2006年是奥地利音乐家莫扎特诞辰250周年,今年被定为“莫扎特年”,整个奥地利全年都将以丰富多彩的活动庆祝这位大师的诞辰。想必大家对英扎特的生平和他的作品也有大致了解,所以我们选择特别一点的主题——莫扎特死亡之谜。关于莫扎特之死,由于一直没有发现其遗体,历史上众说纷纭, 我们就来看看其中一些观点吧。(注:建议不必去背文中提到的疾病名称,了解一下即可。)
2006 was the 250th anniversary of the birth of Austrian musician Mozart. This year was designated as the “Mozart Year”. Throughout the year, Austria will celebrate the birth of this master with a variety of activities. Presumably everyone has a general understanding of Inzat’s life and his works, so we choose a special topic - the mystery of the death of Mozart. Regarding the death of Mozart, since there has been no discovery of its remains, there have been many opinions in history. Let’s take a look at some of them. (Note: It is recommended that you do not have to go back to the name of the disease mentioned in the article.