山东省新泰市东都镇武装部连续10年被评为民兵预备役工作先进单位,5次受到泰安军分区、山东省军区表彰和奖励,被济南军区命名为“民兵政治教育先进单位”,并荣立集体三等功一次。人们不禁要问:这朵武装之花为何别样红? 配齐人员。东都镇党委、政府始终认为,在市场经济条件下,加强民兵工作,不仅是保证经济发展、维护社会稳定的重要因素,而且
The Armed Forces of Dongdu Town, Xintai City, Shandong Province, was awarded the Advanced Unit of Reserve for Militia for 10 consecutive years. It was awarded and rewarded five times by Taian Army Division and Shandong Military Region and was named as Advanced Unit of Militia Political Education by Jinan Military Region. Wing set up collective third class time. One can not but ask: Why is this flower of the same kind? The party committees and governments in the eastern town always hold the opinion that under the market economy, strengthening the militia work is not only an important factor in ensuring economic development and maintaining social stability, but also