Proline and Glutamine Improvein vitro Callus Induction and Subsequent Shooting in Rice

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ameiameiiou
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This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of proline and glutamine on in vitro callus induction and subsequent regeneration and to develop a reproducible and highly efficient plant regeneration protocol in four rice genotypes, viz. Pawana, Jaya, Indrayani and Ambemohar. Considerable variation in response to plant growth regulators and amino acid supplements used was observed in all the four genotypes. Medium supplemented with proline and glutamine was shown to be superior to medium without proline and glutamine. The best callusing from mature embryo was observed on Murashige and Skoog(MS) medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid(2,4-D), 500 mg/L proline and 500 mg/L glutamine. Shoot induction was higher in the callus obtained from medium supplemented with 500 mg/L proline and 500 mg/L glutamine. The highest shoot regeneration frequency(83.2%) was observed on MS medium with 2.0 mg/L benzylaminopurine, 0.5 mg/L 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, 500 mg/L proline, and 500 mg/L glutamine in the callus obtained from MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D, 500 mg/L proline and 500 mg/L glutamine. Among the four genotypes, Pawana has the highest regeneration efficiency(83.2%), whereas the regeneration efficiency of the rest three rice genotypes was in the range of 32.0% to 72.3%. This optimized regeneration protocol can be efficiently used for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation in rice. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of proline and glutamine on in vitro callus induction and subsequent regeneration and to develop a reproducible and highly efficient plant regeneration protocol in four rice genotypes, viz. Pawana, Jaya, Indrayani and Ambemohar. Considerable variation in response to plant growth regulators and amino acid supplements used was observed in all the four genotypes. Medium supplemented with proline and glutamine was shown to be superior to medium without proline and glutamine. The best callusing from mature embryo was observed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) Shoot induction was higher in the callus obtained from medium supplemented with 500 mg / L proline, 500 mg / L proline and 500 mg / L glutamine. and 500 mg / L glutamine. The highest shoot regeneration frequency (83.2%) was observed on MS medium with 2.0 mg / L benzylaminopurine, 0.5 mg / L 1-naphthaleneacetic acid, 500 mg / L proline, an d 500 mg / L glutamine in the callus obtained from MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg / L 2,4-D, 500 mg / L proline and 500 mg / L glutamine. Among the four genotypes, Pawana has the highest regeneration efficiency (83.2 %), the regeneration regeneration of the rest three rice genotypes was in the range of 32.0% to 72.3%. This optimized regeneration protocol can be efficiently used for Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation in rice.
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目的 分析无保护会阴接生联合会阴阻滞麻醉用于自然分娩的临床价值.方法 选择2016年3月至2017年5月遵义医学院第五附属(珠海)医院接收的150例产妇为研究对象,依就诊顺序分为
对近年文献报道头孢类药物所致死亡摘要如下。1头孢哌酮钠例1:男,84岁。因发热、咳嗽给予生理盐水100 m l+头孢哌酮钠2.0 g,静脉滴注(未皮试),5 m in后突然出现面色发绀、烦