明确三新任务 引领转型升级——建材行业各专业协会发布2012年“三新”重点工作目标

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服务国家经济社会发展大局和引领行业科学发展是行业协会的职责任务,中国建材联合会按照“引领、协调、服务”的职能定位,确定了“三四五六”的工作重点,其中新的技术与产品目录、新的产业政策、新的标准—“三新”工作是中国建材联合会引领建材行业加快转型升级的重要举措。建材行业多产业和以建筑业作为共同的主要服务对象的产业特征,决定了建材联合会和各建材行业专业协会两者目标目的的一致性,必须形成合力。为此,在中国建材联合会统一部署下,各专业协会也制定了2012年“三新”工作目标和具体措施,现予以公布,以便更好地发挥“三新”在建材行业产业升级、结构调整、控制增量、淘汰落后产能的支撑和保障作用,以期得到政府部门和建材行业广大企业、会员单位的关心、支持与配合,共同推动建材工业健康发展。 Serving the overall economic and social development of the country and leading the scientific development of the industry is the responsibility and responsibility of the trade associations. China Building Materials Federation has set the priorities of “3456” in accordance with its functional orientation of “leading, coordinating and serving” Among them, the new technology and product catalog, new industrial policy and new standard - “Three new” work are the important measures taken by China Building Materials Association to lead the building material industry in accelerating the transformation and upgrading. The multi-industries in the building material industry and the industrial features that are mainly served by the construction industry determine the consistency of the goals and objectives of the building materials industry associations and the professional associations of various building materials industries, and must work together. To this end, under the unified deployment of China Building Materials Federation, the professional associations also formulated the 2012 “Three new” work objectives and specific measures, is to be announced in order to better play “Three new ” in the building materials industry Industrial upgrading, structural adjustment, control of the increment, the elimination of backward production capacity of the support and protection role in order to get the government departments and building materials industry, the majority of enterprises, member units of concern, support and cooperation to jointly promote the healthy development of building materials industry.
不久前《青岛生活导报》刊登了题目为“这钱该不该给孩子”的一则消息说:一名四年级女生和同学欲去“书城” Not long ago “Qingdao Life Herald” published a title ent