
来源 :农业工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forevil666
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农业是中国和多数东盟国家的基础产业,加深对东盟国家农业生产信息的认识,可以为中国与东盟的农业合作提供科学的决策参考,促进合作的健康发展。该文选取了世界上重要的水稻种植地之一的泰国作为研究对象,应用时间序列MODIS数据以及CBERS-02B数据、实测和统计等辅助数据,进行了泰国耕地信息的提取研究。该文采用的技术流程首先根据时间序列归一化植被指数数据,采用排除法提取出研究区耕地范围;其次采用探测峰值的方法确定农作物的熟制,根据熟制分区进行作物类型识别。结果表明:水稻是泰国主要的农作物类型,集中分布在湄南河流域和呵叻高原地区;旱地作物主要分布在湄南河流域边缘的中高台地地区;一年一熟的种植方式集中分布在东北部的呵叻高原;一年两熟的种植方式集中分布在湄南河流域,又可以划分为水田多熟系统和旱地多熟系统;一年三熟的种植方式也集中分布在湄南河流域地区,种植面积很小且多为水田多熟系统。在精度验证中,将CBERS-02B数据提取结果与MODIS提取结果进行空间比对,二者具有非常相似的空间分布特征。分省统计结果与遥感反演结果也具有较好的相关性。证明了MODIS数据以及该研究采用的方法在耕地信息提取中的有效性,为耕地信息的遥感提取研究提供了参考方法。 Agriculture, as a basic industry of China and most ASEAN countries, deepens its understanding of agricultural production information in ASEAN countries. It can provide a scientific reference for agricultural cooperation between China and ASEAN and promote the healthy development of cooperation. In this paper, Thailand, one of the most important paddy rice growing areas in the world, was selected as the research object. Based on the time series MODIS data and the CBERS-02B data, actual data and other statistical data, a study was conducted on the extraction of cultivated land information in Thailand. In this paper, the technical process is first to normalize the vegetation index data according to the time series and extract the cultivated land in the study area by using the elimination method. Secondly, the method of detecting the peak is used to determine the ripening of crops and the crop type is identified according to the ripening area. The results showed that rice was the main type of crop in Thailand and mainly distributed in the areas of the Chao Phraya River basin and the Nakhon Si Thamlup Plateau. Dry land crops were mainly distributed in the middle and high terraces at the edge of the Chao Phraya River basin. Of the Nakhon Ratchaburi Plateau; the planting pattern of two crops in one year is concentrated in the Chao Phraya River basin, which can be divided into multi-cropping system in paddy field and multi-cropping system in dry land; the planting methods of three crops in one year are also concentrated in the Chao Phraya River Basin, Small area and mostly paddy field more cooked system. In the accuracy verification, the spatial comparison between the CBERS-02B data extraction results and the MODIS extraction results is made, which have very similar spatial distribution characteristics. Provincial statistics and remote sensing inversion results also have a good correlation. It is proved that the MODIS data and the method used in this study are effective in arable land information extraction, which provides a reference for remote sensing extraction of cultivated land information.
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