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主持人龙吟:“读论零墨”告一段落,“闲话孔子”登台亮相!从2004年到2006年,雨石先生已培养了不少“雨丝”,这次的“闲话孔子”秉持先生一贯坚持的“启读者以新知”的精神,“雨丝”们是不会失望的。开场白闲话是语言交流和文字表述的一种方式。闲话时人的神经是充分放松了的,它随意,不着边际,可以作天马行空式的纵意而谈,似乎也不用在遣词造句、篇章结构上多花心思,只是行云流水般讲下去或写下来就是。说真的,我喜欢闲话。闲话虽然没有主题报告正经,也没有道德文章起眼,但它实在得很,有趣得很,天地广阔得很。在人的生命流程中,正襟危坐、一本正经地说话的时候少,神聊乱扯、随意而为的时候多,因此写一点闲话,也算是回归生活吧!孔子是至圣,大圣,百代之师,古来人们作的都是峨冠博带的阳面大文。历史地说,尊孔是千年社会主旋律,人们怀着“为尊者讳”的心态,将孔子加以粉刷又粉刷,涂抹又涂抹,到头来离孔子的原型越来越远了。现如今,弘扬孔学的呼声“甚嚣尘上”,但是,单凭历朝历代的那些粉刷文字,是勾勒不出孔子的真实图像的。要继承孔子,就必须还原孔子。要还原孔子,就不能单读那些一本正经的文字,因为孔子本身就不是一本正经的,那部《论语》中就有不少不怎么一本正经的东西。不信?请认真去读一读。把孔子作为闲话的谈资,这恐怕还是第一遭。我写“闲话孔子”的初衷是,把孔子从高高在上的神坛上请下来,通过诸多细节和故事,让他回归人世,与两千五百多年后的华夏子孙推心置腹地闲话一通,从而真正读懂这位至圣先师。一是给读者以故事;二是给读者以新知,讲些为常人所不知的东西,而不是炒冷饭;三是给读者以思想,当然是积极的,而不是消极的。至于效果会是怎样的,现在还说不上,最后的评判权是在读者诸君手中的。 The host, Long Hao: “Reading on the ink” came to an end, and “Gossip Confucius” made its debut! From 2004 to 2006, Mr. Yu Shi has trained a lot of “rain silk”. This “Gossip Confucius” upholds Mr. Persisting in the spirit of “opening readers to new knowledge”, “rain silk” will not be disappointed. The opening gossip is a way of language communication and text expression. When we gossip, people’s nerves are fully relaxed. It is arbitrary and non-marginal. It can be used as an indulgent and innocent way of speaking. It doesn’t seem to be used to make sentences, to construct sentences, to spend more time thinking, but to go down and write it down. . Really, I like to gossip. Gossip Although there is no report on the theme of the gossip, there is no moral essay, but it is very, very interesting, heaven and earth are very broad. In the human life process, it is time to sit and talk seriously, and when you talk about chaos and arbitrariness, it is time to write a bit of gossip, but it is also a return to life! Confucius is the most holy, sage, and EMI teacher. In ancient times, people used to write on the Yang side of the text. Historically speaking, the respect of the hole is the main theme of the millennium society. People have painted and painted the Confucius with the “worship of the sacred” and smeared and painted it. The archetype of Confucius is farther and farther away. Nowadays, the call for the promotion of Confucianism is “very ambiguous.” However, the painted texts of the dynasties alone cannot depict the true images of Confucius. To inherit Confucius, you must restore Confucius. To restore Confucius, one cannot read single words that are serious, because Confucius itself is not a serious one, and there are quite a few serious things in the Analects. Do not believe? Please read it carefully. Using Confucius as a chatter for gossip is probably the first one. My original intention of writing “Gossip Confucius” was to take Confucius down from the high altar of worship. Through many details and stories, he was allowed to return to the world and gossip with the Chinese people after 2,500 years. Read this Supreme Teacher. The first is to give readers a story; the second is to give readers new knowledge, to tell something that is unknown to the average person, not to stir the meal; to give readers thought, of course, is positive, not negative. As for what the effect will be, it is still unsuccessful. The final judgement right is in the hands of the readers.
哲理的故事天黑了,张姓牧羊人和李姓牧羊人在把羊群往家赶的时候,惊喜地发现每家的羊群头数都多了十几只,原来一群野山羊跟着家羊跑回来了。 Philosophical story dark, Zha
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近年来,一类新型试题——表格类问题,屡屡出现在人们的视线中,在高考试卷中也初现身影.这类试题来源于实际生活,灵活新颖,研究对象众多,求解时甚至没有现成的公式可套,要求人们从表格信息中发现物理规律,合理地提取有用信息.下面几例是与表格类有关的物理问题。    注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文。