
来源 :上海档案工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzy101
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近年来上海郊县广播电视系统档案工作取得了显著成绩,建设了一支广播电视专业档案队伍,较好地发挥了为宣传服务的作用。上海市广播电视局党委副书记徐济尧把郊县广播电视系统档案工作的变化与成绩,归纳为16个字:“领导重视,以法治档,办了实事,成效明显”。 1.领导重视,创造条件松江县广播电视局就加强档案工作专门作了研究。该局安排一名同志负责局里的文书和档案工作,还分别在县电台和电视台落实了兼职档案员,由他们来负责宣传报道档案的搜集和保管。同时,对档案业务用房以及所需要的经费给予保证,根据本单位的实际情况和条件,已建立局档案室一间 In recent years, Shanghai suburban radio and television system has made remarkable achievements in archives work, and has built a professional radio and television archive team, which has played a good role in publicity and service. Xu Jianyao, deputy party secretary of the Shanghai Broadcasting and Television Bureau, summarized the changes and achievements in the archival work of the radio and television system in the suburban counties and counties into 16 words: “The leadership attaches importance to the rule of law and the files are upheld and the facts are achieved.” 1. Leaders attach importance to create conditions Songjiang County Radio and Television Bureau on strengthening the file specifically made a study. The council arranged a comrade responsible for bureau instruments and files, but also in the county radio and television stations to implement part-time archivists, who are responsible for the collection and custody of the publicity files. At the same time, the file business room and the funds needed to be given a guarantee, according to the actual conditions and conditions of this unit, has been established Bureau Archives a
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2008年8月3日上午9时,“国家宠物驯导师职业技能考评中心”和“国家宠物驯导师培训基地”授权挂牌仪式在南京军区军犬训练基地隆重举行。南京军区军犬 At 9:00 on August 3,
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