一 当本世纪初中叶现代相对主义波横浪涌的时候,“认识本质”已被许许多多时髦的哲学家讥为天方夜谭.而所有寻找本质的方法自然也遭到“瞎子摸象”式的嘲笑。但其时悄然而起的现象学却逆流而上,公然声称自己是一门关于本质存在的理论,其核心就是要找出本质.直观出对一切对象都适合的、带有适用一切的普遍性的东西。正如约瑟夫·祁雅理在《二十世纪法国思潮》中所说:“现象学是一种描写物自体的方法.是一种描写呈现在摆脱了
As the modern relativism of the middle of this century brought about a wave of surges, “knowing the essence” has been ridiculed by many fashionable philosophers as a fantasy, and all the methods of seeking essence have naturally been criticized by the “blind man” Style of ridicule. However, the phenomenon of phenomenology which quietly began to flow counter-partisily, openly claiming to be a theory about the essence of existence, the core of which is to find out the essence.It is intuitive to apply universality to all objects s things. As Josef Al-Qaeda said in Twentieth Century French Thought: "Phenomenology is a way of describing the self as a kind of description presented in the