敏锐把握时代脉搏 积极回应群众期待 着力提升守护平安服务百姓的能力和水平

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全国公安厅局长座谈会于2012年9月7日在辽宁大连举行,国务委员、公安部部长孟建柱出席会议并讲话。他强调,各级公安机关和广大公安民警要认真贯彻胡锦涛总书记在省部级主要领导干部专题研讨班上的重要讲话和周永康同志重要批示精神,敏锐把握时代脉搏,积极回应群众期待,转变工作理念、推动机制创新、强化科技应用,进一步增强公安工作的主动性、创造性,着力提升守护平安、服务百姓的能力和水平。孟建柱指出,今年以来,各级公安机关坚持人民利益至上,紧紧抓住影响群众安全感的突出问题,深入开展了一系列专项行动,陆续推出了一大批便民利民惠民举措,有力维护了社会大局稳定,密切了警民关系, National Public Security Bureau forum held on September 7, 2012 in Dalian, Liaoning Province, State Councilor, Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu attended the meeting and delivered a speech. He emphasized that public security organs at all levels and the general public security police should conscientiously implement the important speech made by General Secretary Hu Jintao at the seminars on major leading cadres at provincial and ministerial levels and Comrade Zhou Yongkang’s important instructions and be sensitive to the pulse of the times and actively respond to the expectations and changes in the work of the masses Concept, promote the innovation of mechanism, strengthen the application of science and technology, further enhance the initiative and creativity of public security work, and strive to enhance the ability and level of guarding people’s safety and serving the common people. Meng Jianzhu pointed out: Since the beginning of this year, the public security organs at all levels have adhered to the supremacy of the interests of the people, firmly grasped the outstanding problems that affect the sense of security of the masses, carried out a series of special campaigns in depth, and successively launched a large number of convenient and beneficial people and people initiatives that effectively protected The overall social situation is stable, the police and civilians are closely linked,
要摒弃狭隘的“读书无用论”、“金钱至上”以及“树大自然直”的消极观念,将孩子的身心健康和发展放在首位。 We must abandon the negative concept of “the useless stu
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