发挥思想政治工作优势 促进现代医院和谐发展

来源 :思想政治教育研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dephibase
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在构建和谐社会,开展医院管理年活动中,充分发挥思想政治工作的导向功能,解读医院管理年目标任务,必须把握政策导向、共识导向、舆论导向。发挥思想政治工作的调节功能,构建和谐医患关系,必须注意思想情绪调节、民众认知调节、服务举措调节。发挥思想政治工作的激励功能,不断增强职工的创造活力,必须做好目标激励、榜样激励、奖励激励。发挥思想政治工作的凝聚功能,不断增强医院和谐发展的向心力,必须注重团队精神凝聚、主人翁精神凝聚、党组织凝聚。只有充分发挥思想政治工作优势,把思想政治工作做深、做细、做实、做透,才能促进现代医院和谐发展。 In building a harmonious society and carrying out hospital management activities, we must give full play to the guiding function of ideological and political work and interpret the goals and tasks of hospital management. We must grasp policy orientation, consensus orientation, and public opinion guidance. To play a regulatory role in ideological and political work and build a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients, we must pay attention to ideological and emotional adjustments, public awareness and adjustments, and service initiatives. In order to develop the stimulating function of ideological and political work and continuously enhance the creativity of the employees, we must do a good job of target incentives, role model incentives, and incentive incentives. To bring about the cohesive function of ideological and political work and continuously strengthen the centripetal force of the harmonious development of the hospital, we must pay attention to teamwork, agglomerate, and party organization. Only by giving full play to the advantages of ideological and political work and deepening ideological and political work, doing detailed work, and doing thorough work, can we promote the harmonious development of modern hospitals.
1959,[5] 60 在西德制药工業杂志1958,5,8,11三期上曾發 表了西德1951年至1957年間以及1958年前三季度的药物生产,出口及进口情况。以下数表就是根据該資料制的。由表中可以
一忌:疑心过重  疑心批发商说的每句话都是假话,对批发商含有敌意,难保批发商不会对你含有敌意。你又怎么能拿到好的价格和真正的好款?  正确的做法是:不管批发商说的是真话还是假话,我们都装出一副很认同的样子。至于你心里,当然要有自己的一杆秤,东西好你就拿,不好就不拿,但是关系还是要建立。  二忌:假装老手  很多人都害怕别人听出来你是新手,所以用不断说话来掩饰,想给人经验丰富的感觉。其实你说得越多,
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