顺直谘议局存在期间认真履行谘议局的各项职责 ,积极议政、参政。通过对总督和各级地方官吏的违法侵权案件的多次纠举、监督 ,对地方行政官吏一贯的专断行为起了一定的制约作用 ,封建专制政治制度的土壤开始松动 ,推动了直隶地区政治民主化进程。
Straight Consultative Council conscientiously fulfill the various duties of the Advisory Council, actively discussing the government, political participation. Through repeated intrusions and inspections on cases of illegal infringement by the governor and local officials at all levels, it has played a certain role in restraining the arbitrary behavior of local administrators. The soil of the feudal autocratic political system began to loosen and the politics in Zhili Province Democratization process.