Liftboat Fixty with the Interaction Between the Soil Foundation and the Structure

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cl0916789
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A liftboat has big independent spuncans. The interaction between the liftboat structure and the foundation can provide significant fixity. Both methods of numerical simulation and experimental test are adopted to study the fixity. An experimental model to
<正> 一九八三年我市国民经济发展形势良好,工业生产持续增长,商业购销扩大,市场繁荣活跃,国营工商企业流动资金周转加速,资金占用结构有所改善,经济效益进一步提高。一、国
<正> 根据国务院[1983]100号文及天津市分行58号文精神,对国营工业企业生产周转资金的核定采用按销售收入资金率核定的方法,并付诸实施,经过近两年的实践,我们认为,这种方法
Measurements of wave heights with image sequences from a Charged Coupled Device(CCD) camera were made. Sinusoidal, as well as unidirectional and directional, wa
An experimental scheme for the generation of directional focusing waves in a wave basin is established in this paper. The effects of the directional range, freq
<正> 一九八三年底,我市国营工商企业流动资金占用总额为170.8亿元,比一九八二年底增长4.62%,比一九七八年底增长35.1%。其中,生产领域(包括中央工业和地方工业)为42.41亿元,
<正> 时时关注用好资金,管好资金正确发挥资金的应有效能是我们的一项长远的任务。尤其在当前更为突出。从现时结算贷款发放、收回情况看,需要进一步管紧管严,在贷款日期计算
The aim of this paper is to present an analytical expression for the streamwise velocity distribution in a non-uniform flow in the presence of waves; the correl