
来源 :铁道机车车辆 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lijincai0122
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自1997年4月1日全路实行列车提速后,为了保证列车运行安全,铁道部规定了凡涂有(禁)字样的车辆不准进入京广、京沪、陇海、京哈四大干线运行,同时还规定了(禁)字在车体上的涂打位置,平车涂打在两侧梁大车号右侧。这对无端侧板的平车是容易识别的,但对有端侧板的平车,在装载货物时需要放下端侧板,加之有些空平车放下的侧板因损坏、变形,无法关闭,在检查中侧板又无法开启,这样对是否涂有(禁)字样就无法识别了。 例如:凤凰城站1998年3月11日计划装锦州25m重轨2组,并已配好四辆平车送到装车地点,装车单位将端侧板放下并使用8号铁线捆绑牢固,当货运员到现场检查车辆时,很吃力地探下身子才发现,其中一辆车号为N_65002630放下的侧板上涂有(禁)字标记,不能进入京哈线,只好另行换车。试想一下,如果装车货运员 Since April 1, 1997, the whole train has been put into operation to speed up the trains. In order to ensure the safe operation of trains, the Ministry of Railways has stipulated that all painted vehicles shall not be permitted to enter the four main lines of Beijing-Guangzhou, Beijing-Shanghai, Longhai and Beijing-Harbin Running, at the same time also provides (forbidden) words in the car body Tuzha position, flat car beating on the right side of Liang Liang cart number. This flat car with unobstructed side plates is easy to identify, but for flat car with end side plates, the side plates need to be lowered when loading goods, and the side plates dropped by some empty car can not be closed due to damage, deformation, In the inspection of the side panels and can not be opened, so whether painted (prohibited) words can not be identified. For example: Phoenix City Station on March 11, 1998 plans to install Jinzhou 25m heavy rail 2 groups, and has been equipped with good four flat car to the loading location, the loading unit will be put aside the side panels and the use of 8 wire bundled firmly When the freight forwarder checked the vehicle on the spot, it was very difficult to find the body before it was discovered. One of the vehicle numbers was N_65002630, which was marked with a (forbidden) word mark on the side plate which was not allowed to enter the Jingha line. Imagine if the loading cargo crew