
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ccbeilu
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目的:了解嘉兴市农药中毒报告病例的特点和原因,为农药中毒安全防护措施的制定与施行提供科学依据。方法:通过中国疾病预防控制信息系统—职业病与职业卫生信息监测系统收集2008-2015年嘉兴市农药中毒报告数据。应用χ2检验进行统计分析。结果:2008-2015年嘉兴市共报告农药中毒1 838例,死亡123例,病死率为6.69%。生产性农药中毒260例(占14.15%),非生产性农药中毒1 578例(占85.85%)。生产性农药中毒以45岁~及以上年龄组病例数较多(合计占81.15%),非生产性农药中毒以25岁~、35岁~、45岁~和65岁以上年龄组病例数较多(合计占67.17%);非生产性农药中毒各年龄组病死率差异有统计学意义(χ2=63.22,P<0.01),以≥65岁~年龄组病死率最高(19.75%)。生产性农药中毒男性高于女性(男性∶女性=1.74∶1),非生产性农药中毒男性低于女性(男性∶女性=0.66∶1)。生产性农药中毒季节性明显,第三季度中毒病例最多(占79.62%);非生产性农药中毒随季节因素变化不大。农药中毒的品种中,以杀虫剂1 323例(占71.98%)为主。结论:嘉兴市农药中毒现状不容乐观,应加强健康教育,提高农民自我防护意识,尤其应加强心理干预,从而有效预防农药中毒的发生。 Objective: To understand the characteristics and causes of reported cases of pesticide poisoning in Jiaxing and provide a scientific basis for the formulation and implementation of safety measures for pesticide poisoning. Methods: The report data of pesticide poisoning in Jiaxing City during 2008-2015 was collected through China Disease Prevention and Control Information System - Occupational Disease and Occupational Health Information Monitoring System. Χ2 test using statistical analysis. Results: From 2008 to 2015, a total of 1 838 pesticide poisoning cases were reported in Jiaxing City, 123 cases were dead with a case fatality rate of 6.69%. There were 260 cases of productive pesticide poisoning (accounting for 14.15%) and 1,578 cases of unproductive pesticide poisoning (accounting for 85.85%). Productive pesticide poisoning in 45 years old and above the age group, the number of cases (81.15% of the total), non-productive pesticide poisoning to 25 years old, 35 years old, 45 years old and over the age of 65 cases more (67.17% in total). The mortality of unproductive pesticide poisoning in all age groups was statistically significant (χ2 = 63.22, P <0.01). The highest mortality rate was 19.75% in patients aged 65 ~ Productive pesticide poisoning was higher in males than females (males: females = 1.74: 1), unproductive pesticides were lower in males than females (males: females = 0.66: 1). Productive pesticide poisoning seasonal obvious, the third quarter, the largest number of cases of poisoning (79.62%); non-productive pesticide poisoning with little change in seasons. Among the pesticide poisoning varieties, 1,323 pesticides (71.98%) were the main pesticides. Conclusion: The current situation of pesticide poisoning in Jiaxing City is not optimistic. Health education should be strengthened to raise awareness of peasants’ self-protection. In particular, psychological intervention should be strengthened to effectively prevent pesticide poisoning.
目的:探讨全面部陈旧性骨折特点及治疗原则,评估本医院治疗措施的效果.方法:回顾分析西安交通大学口腔医院口腔颌面外科自2005年1月~ 2012年6月诊治的全面部陈旧性骨折16例.术
目的:了解2011-2015年嵊州市人民医院多重耐药鲍曼不动杆菌感染及耐药情况.方法:采用法国梅里埃公司生产的VITEK2 Compact全自动细菌鉴定及药敏分析系统及其配套鉴定药敏卡检