中国顶级的鞋业市场面世 广州环球国际商贸中心“步云天地”隆重开业

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3月28日,位于广州站西路26号,总营业面积6万多平方米的大规模鞋业专业市场——广州环球国际商贸中心“步云天地”举行了隆重的开业仪式。广东省、广州市政府有关领导、国家和省鞋业行业机构领导以及香港著名影视明星曾志伟、刘嘉玲、陈百祥等参加了开业仪式。迈入新世纪,尤其是中国加入 WTO 后,广东鞋业迎来了更大的发展机遇。广州市站西路鞋业商圈,崛起于上世纪90年代初,商家云集,蜚声国际,是全国最大的鞋业市场之一,据不完全统计,世界上第三双鞋中便有一双是来自广州站西路鞋业批发市场。在这个数字鼓舞下,环球国际商贸中心“步云天地”应运而生,这对于广东鞋业界是件十分振奋人心的事!中国人做事讲究天时、地利、人和,这三者“步云天地”都已充分具备。环球国际商贸中心“步云天地”是以国际化设计战略,努力建造一座具有国际标准的集鞋业批 March 28, located in Guangzhou Station Road on the 26th, with a total area of ​​over 60,000 square meters of large-scale footwear professional market - Guangzhou Global International Trade Center, “Step Sky” held a grand opening ceremony. Leaders from Guangdong and Guangzhou municipal governments, leaders from state and provincial shoe industry organizations and Hong Kong well-known movie stars Eric Tsang, Carina Lau, and Chan Pak-cheung attended the opening ceremony. Into the new century, especially after China’s accession to the WTO, Guangdong footwear industry ushered in greater opportunities for development. Guangzhou Station West Road shoe business district, the rise in the early 90s of last century, businessmen gathered, world-renowned, is the country’s largest footwear market, according to incomplete statistics, there will be a pair of the world’s third pair of shoes is From Guangzhou Station Road shoe wholesale market. Inspired by this figure, Global International Business Center “Step by Step,” came into being, which is very exciting for the footwear industry in Guangdong is something! Chinese people pay attention to the weather, geography, people and the three “world” “Have been fully equipped. Global International Business Center, ”Step Cloud World" is based on international design strategy, and strive to build an international standard set Shoe approved
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