
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chentao805
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旅游业作为当今世界的一大产业,就我国而言,改革开放以来获得了前所未有的突破和发展。旅游业在国民经济中起着重要的作用。旅游纪念品作为旅游业当中不可分割的一部分,它的收入也是旅游经济收入的重要组成部分,衡量旅游业发展程度的重要指标。因此,我国旅游部门加强了对旅游纪念品的开发和研究。吉林省旅游资源丰富,特色鲜明,但是旅游业发展缓慢,旅游纪念品的研究也很少,不够深入。本文基于吉林省旅游纪念品发展现状及游客对吉林省旅游纪念品的建议进行系统分析的同时提出了相应的吉林省旅游纪念品开发策略。 As a big industry in today’s world, tourism has achieved unprecedented breakthroughs and development for our country since the reform and opening up. Tourism plays an important role in the national economy. As an integral part of tourism, tourist souvenir is also an important component of tourism’s economic income. It is an important measure of tourism development. Therefore, China’s tourism sector stepped up the development and research of tourist souvenirs. Jilin Province has rich tourism resources and distinctive features, but the tourism industry is developing slowly. There are also few studies on tourist souvenirs, not enough depth. Based on the present situation of tourism souvenir development in Jilin Province and the tourists’ suggestions on tourist memorabilia in Jilin Province, this paper systematically analyzes the development strategy of tourist souvenirs in Jilin Province.
本文就图书馆对人的终身教育中的作用问题进行了探讨。 This article discusses the role of libraries in human lifelong education.
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星星已不是那天的星星月亮也不是那天的月亮在企业换轨改制过程中不仅仅是因为严冬的缘故,这次在济南国棉一厂的采访,心情显得有些沉重。 The stars are not the stars of t
这一期,我们依然在原先的路上行走。 但是我们有两个非常明显的关注点。一是对改革开放态热的关注,不论是对整体开放还是研究国共经济合作,或者对所谓“中国乌托邦”的反思,
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高校图书馆必须为学生素质教育和培养目标服务。把图书馆开辟成第二课堂;按专业开辟阅览室;逐步实现计算机管理;走文献信息共享之路;强化图书馆多元的服务功能。 University
团事微言怀念团徽除了在团报团刊上还能见到团徽外,我曾在工厂、校园和街道上留意过一个个青年的胸前,在他们那本来应该佩戴团徽的地方,很少见到一枚团徽。我敢 Remembranc