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现代企业物资管理就是对企业生产活动需要的各类物质的采购、运输、供应、保管进行的一系列管理活动,现代企业物资管理活动十分的复杂,需要建立在物资计划的基础之上,还需要将物资收发作为中心,以采取核算工作作为核心,整个物资管理工作包括物资计划管理、合同管理、物资收发、仓储管理、财务稽查、物资统计等多个环节,企业开展供应物流的目的不仅仅是给自己的生产提供保障,更在于用最为低廉的成本和消耗来保障企业的物流供应,从而有效的降低企业的经营成本。就现阶段来看,很多企业使用的都是一种自供物流模式,这并不利于企业的可持续发展,本文主要分析企业物质管理的创新供应物流模式。 Modern enterprise materials management is a series of management activities for the procurement, transportation, supply and storage of all kinds of materials needed by the production activities of an enterprise. The material management activities of modern enterprises are very complex and need to be based on the materials planning and need Take the receipt and dispatch of materials as the center and take the accounting work as the core. The whole material management includes the material project management, contract management, materials receipt and delivery, warehousing management, financial inspection, material statistics and other links. The purpose of supplying logistics is not only To provide protection for their own production, but also lies in the lowest cost and consumption to protect the logistics of enterprises, so as to effectively reduce the operating costs of enterprises. At this stage, many enterprises are using a self-supply logistics model, which is not conducive to the sustainable development of enterprises. This article mainly analyzes the innovative material supply logistics management model.
An innovative floating mooring system with two or more independent floating mooring platforms in the middle and one rigid platform on each side is proposed for
摘要:本文主要介紹了现状和趋势中国海外并购的现状和趋势。根据宏观经济数据,我们可以找到一个成功的中国海外并购的规律。接着,我们对中国并购进行分类,通过分析海尔和TCL的案例,说明潜在的失败和成功的原因。最后,给出一些建议。  关键词:收购兼并 海尔集团 TCL 国际化  Abstract: This paper mainly introduces current situation and
这些年,在兰州、上海、广州等大中城市,也发生了光化学污染,汽车尾气排放治理摆上了重要的议事日程,作为环保措施中的重要组成部分,清洁气油应运而生。 In recent years, ph
With the increase of petroleum and gas production in deep ocean, marine risers of circular cylinder shape are widely used in the offshore oil and gas platform.
Modal strain energy based methods for damage detection have received much attention. However, most of published articles use numerical methods and some studies