山西阳泉的无烟煤,杂质少,燃烧值高。在国家乒乓球队这个团结战斗的集体中,来自煤城的姑娘管建华,有着无烟煤一样的品格。在第39届世乒赛上,这位沉稳秀美的中国姑娘,一路过关拼杀,连克欧亚名将,为中国运动员夺取女子单打和混合双打的金牌铺平了道路,她自己也荣获这两个项目的铜牌。为此,竹建华被誉为“出色的狙击手”,并在全国乒乓十佳评选活动中,荣获唯一的“顽强拼搏奖”。终生难忘的一天 1987年2月28日,这是管建华终生难忘的一天。在这一天之内,她连过四关,勇斩六将,为中国队夺取盖斯特杯和赫杜赛克杯立下了汗马功劳! 8点20分,王浩/管建华迎战南朝鲜名将金浣/洪思玉。经过一番激战,以2:1取胜。
Shanxi Yangquan anthracite, less impurities, high combustion value. In the collective battle of national table tennis team, Guan Jianhua, a girl from Coal City, has the same anthracite character. At the 39th World Table Tennis Championships, the calm and beautiful Chinese girl, all the way across the fight, even the giants of Eurasia, for Chinese athletes to win the women’s singles and mixed doubles gold paved the way, she also won both Bronze medal. To this end, bamboo Jianhua known as “a good sniper” and the top ten pingpong selection activities in the nation, won the only “stubborn hard work Award.” Unforgettable day forever February 28, 1987, this is Guan Jianhua unforgettable day. In this day, she had more than four off, bravely beat six for the Chinese team to win the Ghent Cup and He Du Sikake Cup made a contribution! 8:20, Wang Hao / Guan Jianhua against the South Korean star Jin Huan / Hong Siyu. After a fierce fight, win with 2: 1.