MRF based construction of statistical operator and its application

来源 :Science in China(Series F:Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwjjet
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Based on the Markov random field (MRF) theory, a new nonlinear operator isdefined according to the statistical information in the image, and the corresponding 2Dnonlinear wavelet transform is also provided. It is proved that many detail coefficientsbeing zero (or almost zero) in the smooth gray-level variation areas can be achievedunder the conditional probability density function in MRF model, which shows that thisoperator is suitable for the task of image compression, especially for lossless codingapplications. Experimental results using several test images indicate good performancesof the proposed method with the smaller entropy for the compound and smooth medicalimages with respect to the other nonlinear transform methods based on median andmorphological operator and some well-known linear lifting wavelet transform methods(5/3, 9/7, and S+P). Based on the Markov random field (MRF) theory, a new nonlinear operator isdefined according to the statistical information in the image, and the corresponding 2Dnonlinear wavelet transform is also provided. It is proved that many details coefficients being zero (or almost zero) in the smooth gray-level variation areas can be achieved by the conditional probability density function in MRF model, which shows that this opener is suitable for the task of image compression, especially for lossless coding applications. smaller entropy for the compound and smooth medical images with respect to the other nonlinear transform methods based on median and morphological operators and some well-known linear lifting wavelet transform methods (5/3, 9/7, and S + P).
他自费到日本留学,徒步走遍日本全境,采访了31位国会议员,18年来为中日两国友谊默默地奉献。 At his own expense, he went to study in Japan, walked all over Japan and
重视民族医学振兴蒙药事业——费孝通一 1977年深秋的一天,沈阳第三人民医院的高干病房里,空气异常紧张、沉闷。辽宁省委书记王良同志生命垂危。由国内著名医学专家、教授组
  In this paper, we develop a robust Hoo stabilizer design method for a parallel structure of internal model-based tracking control for a Voice Coil Motor (VC