
来源 :中国防痨杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ruindown
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目的分析广东省结核病耐药性基线调查初期病例纳入进展情况,为及时提出应对措施提供依据。方法对项目实施第1个季度(2009年1月1日—2009年3月30日)的病例纳入情况进行回顾分析。结果30个调查点中,已有7个调查点在第1季度完成初治涂阳病例的纳入工作,尚没有调查点完成复治涂阳病例纳入;初治涂阳总的纳入完成率达59.5%(0~100%),复治涂阳总的纳入完成率仅为29.2%(0~100%);结合结核病专报中患者登记情况,核查显示部分调查点存在不同程度的跳选和漏选。结论耐药基线调查初期初治涂阳病例纳入工作总体进展较顺利,复治涂阳病例纳入相对缓慢,各个调查点的进展极不平衡,病例纳入工作有待进一步加强。 Objective To analyze the progress of the initial cases of baseline survey of TB drug resistance in Guangdong Province and provide the basis for promptly putting forward the countermeasures. Methods A retrospective analysis was made on the case incorporation of the first quarter of the project (January 1, 2009 - March 30, 2009). Results Of the 30 investigation points, 7 investigated sites completed the first smear positive cases in the first quarter, and none of the investigated sites were included in the smear positive smear positive cases. The total enrollment rate of smear positive smears was 59.5 % (0% ~ 100%), the total enrollment rate of retreatment smear positive was only 29.2% (0 ~ 100%). In combination with the registration of patients in tuberculosis special report, verification showed that there were some jumps and missed selected. Conclusions The initial smear-positive cases in the early baseline of drug resistance survey are progressing smoothly in the initial phase of the work. The cases of smear-retreatment are relatively slow, and the progress of each survey point is extremely unbalanced. The work of case incorporation needs to be further strengthened.
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