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臀先露占分娩总数的3-4%,为异常产式之一种,胎儿死亡率较高,约占4%,较枕先露高2-3倍。死亡原因,主要是臀部较小较软,通过产道时,扩张产道不够充分,后产出的肩部较大较硬,不易通过,最后娩出的头部,更大更硬,不能即时变形,往往受到阻碍不能,顺利娩出。是时脐带被压,胎儿缺氧,呼吸中枢受到刺激,胎儿开始呼吸并将产道中的羊水、血液及粘液,吸入肺中。故在臀部娩出后,须在7-8分钟内,帮助胎儿全部娩出,否则发生初生儿窒息的机会较多。一般臀先露胎儿,在一次阵缩,只能娩出臀部及腹部,加以牵引,亦只能娩出肩部和胸部。 Hip first accounted for 3-4% of the total number of deliveries, an abnormal type of production, higher fetal mortality, accounting for about 4%, 2-3 times higher than the first pillow exposed. The main cause of death, buttocks smaller and softer, through the birth canal, the expansion of the birth canal is not sufficient, after the output of the larger and harder shoulders, not easy to pass the final delivery of the head, larger and harder, can not be deformed immediately, often Can not be obstructed, delivered smoothly. When the umbilical cord is pressed, the fetus is anaerobic, the respiratory center is stimulated, and the fetus begins to breathe and inhale the amniotic fluid, blood and mucus in the birth canal into the lungs. Therefore, after delivery in the buttocks, must be within 7-8 minutes to help the fetus all delivered, or the chance of occurrence of neonatal asphyxia more. General buttocks first exposed fetus, in a contraction, only to deliver the buttocks and abdomen, to be traction, only to deliver the shoulders and chest.
本文介绍了三峡空芯铜线的监造过程和验收方法。 This article describes the supervision of the Three Gorges air-core copper process and acceptance methods.
患有糖尿病的人,大都十分关注自身的血糖,因为血糖数值增高,就意味着重病在身,不容忽视。 血糖是血液中含有葡萄糖的简称。人一日三餐,还有瓜果零食,可以说80%是糖类,而糖可