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舞蹈是一种以肢体语言为表达方式的艺术形式。它通过舞蹈形象表达舞蹈者的思想和内心的情感。从其表现形式来讲,“动”是舞蹈的核心。事实上,在舞蹈艺术中,肢体语言只是一种表现手段,情感才是其要表现的本质。所以,在舞蹈教学中,教师不应该只注重舞蹈技能的训练,更要对舞蹈者的情感进行着力培养。本文简要概述了情感与舞蹈之间的关系,然后着重介绍了舞蹈教学中情感培养的几种方法。 Dance is an art form expressed in body language. It shows the dancer’s thoughts and inner feelings through the dance image. From its manifestations, “move ” is the core of dance. In fact, in the art of dance, body language is only a means of expression, and emotion is the essence of its performance. Therefore, in dance teaching, teachers should not only pay attention to the training of dance skills, but also focus on the emotional training of dancers. This article briefly outlines the relationship between emotion and dance, and then focuses on the introduction of several methods of emotion cultivation in dance teaching.
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