
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:efox_5
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怎样对幼儿进行有效的思想品德教育是幼教界一直关心的问题.也是《幼儿园教育纲要》中对艺术教育提出来的教育要求之一。近年来,我在指导学生教育实习中采用的一些做法,是幼儿乐于接受的。现举三例来谈谈对幼儿进行集体主义等思想品德教育的做法,供大家讨论。一、幼儿园的律动一般是由幼儿做统一或不统一的动作,而不必相互配合着做的。我没计了一组由三个幼儿合作完成的“组合式律动”——“蝴蝶飞”,由一个幼儿在中间扮做蝴蝶的“身子”,左右各由一个幼儿扮演蝴蝶的“翅膀”,来共同塑造出蝴蝶飞的形象。全套律动由“蝴蝶飞”、“采花粉”、“欢乐地舞蹈”三个情节组成。在教学时,通过教师的优美示范将动作介绍给幼儿;在引起幼儿兴趣后,教师启发幼儿说出这个律动和以往学过的“蝴蝶飞” How to carry out effective ideological and moral education for young children has always been a concern for the preschool education community and one of the educational requirements for art education in the “Outline of Kindergarten Education.” In recent years, some of the approaches I have taken to guide student education internships have been adopted by young children. Three examples are given to discuss the practice of young children in their ideological and moral education such as collectivism. First, kindergarten rhythm is generally done by children or uniformed uniform action, without having to do with each other. I did not count a set of “combined rhythms” - “Butterfly Fly” co-authored by three young children. A young child plays the “body” of a butterfly in the middle and the “wings” of a butterfly, Together to create a butterfly flying image. A full set of rhythm by the “butterfly fly”, “picking pollen”, “happy dance” composed of three episodes. In teaching, through the teacher’s beautiful demonstration of the action introduced to young children; after arousing the interest of young children, the teacher inspired children to tell the rhythm and the previously learned “butterfly fly”
节日期间,我们一家去了国家A级上海野生动物园。园内汇集着世界各地具有代表性的动物和珍稀动物二百余种,上万余头(只)。 During the festival, our family went to the Nat
Wait!Then the fist* will draw back* and hit*the back of your head.
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