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八卦掌自清朝咸丰年间董海川先师于北京授拳,到现在已有近百年的历史。如今八卦掌派别众多,八卦掌套路更是五花八门,表演套路日益繁杂花巧,八卦掌越来越偏离董公创拳的初衷。本人自小随先师学习八卦掌,听师训,重习练,稍有感悟。本人着重从人身天盘、人盘、地盘三才(即上、中、下三盘)进行练习,并从繁杂众多的八卦掌套路和招数中取其代表性的精华,总结了这 Ba Gua Zhang since the Qing Xianfeng years, Mr. Dong Haichuan taught in Beijing boxing, up to now has nearly a hundred years of history. Bagua nowadays are many factions, gossip palm Routine is more varied, performance routines increasingly complicated fancy, gossip palm deviate from the original intention of Dong Chong Chuang Quan. I grew up with the teacher to learn Ba Gua Zhang, listening to teacher training, practice training, a little insight. I focus on the practice of the human body from the day disk, people disk, site three (that is, the middle and lower three sets) practice, and from the numerous and numerous tricks palm tricks and tricks take its representative essence, summarizes this
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The consistency of the measured abundances of deuterium and 4 He relative to hydrogen with the predictions of the standard Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis(BBN)model is
The precise excitation energies of the proton-unbound states for the key nuclides along the rapid-proton process(so called rp-process)path play a very important
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Studies on the spallation reaction have recently been made for various applications,such as Accelerator Driven System(ADS)[1-3]for transmutation of nuclear wast