Male, 44 years old, December 9, 1986 Emergency hospitalization. 7 days before admission, the patient conscious injection of foreign body right eye, foreign body sensation only, no red pain and visual impairment. 3 days ago still feel foreign body sensation, to the local hospital for medical treatment, found corneal foreign body, corneal foreign body removal. On the day after the operation, the patient did not drip with antibiotic eye drops. On the second day after operation, the right eye suddenly became inflamed, the pain and the sight disappeared. The local hospital intends to diagnose Pseudomonas aeruginosa ulcer and transmit it to our hospital. Physical examination: the whole body no special circumstances. Eye examination: visual acuity: right light sense, light positioning accuracy; left 1.5. Mild swelling of the right eyelid skin, conjunctival hyperemia (卅), corneal yellowish white turbid, surface bump