Oxygen isotope constraints on fluid flow during eclogitization in the Sulu terrane

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lau_lfm
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The oxygen isotope study has been carried out for quartz-veins within eclogrte and associated gneiss from the Donghai district in the western part of the Sulu terrane, eastern China. Oxygen isotope equilibrium has been achieved between quartz and other minerals, yielding the isotope temperatures of 660-840℃ for quartz veins, 595-725℃ for eclogites, and 505-665℃ for gneiss δ18O values of vein-quartz vary from - 5.3‰ to + 7 5‰, but resemble δ 18O values of host eclogites, indicating a close approach of isotopic equilibrium between metamorphre fluids and the host rocks. An interally buffered fluid flow is implicated during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and subsequent retrogression. The fluid would be produced by dehydration of hydrothermally altered eclogite precursors and thus Us δ18O values were governed by the nature of host eclogites. These provide evidence for the fracture flow of meta-morphic fluid during eclogitization. The oxygen isotope study has been carried out for quartz-veins within eclogrte and associated gneiss from the Donghai district in the western part of the Sulu terrane, eastern China. Oxygen isotope equilibrium has been achieved between quartz and other minerals, yielding the isotope temperatures of 660-840 ° C for quartz veins, 595-725 ° C for eclogites, and 505-665 ° C for gneiss δ18O values ​​of vein-quartz vary from - 5.3 ‰ to + 7 5 ‰, but resemble δ 18O values ​​of host eclogites, indicating a close approach of isotopic equilibrium between metamorphre fluids and the host rocks. An interally buffered fluid flow is implicated during ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism and subsequent retrogression. The fluid would be produced by dehydration of hydrothermally altered eclogite precursors and thus Us δ18O values ​​were governed by the nature of host eclogites. These provide evidence for the fracture flow of meta-morphic fluid during eclogitization.
[目的]研究中国特有植物种——华北驼绒藜(Ceratoides arborescens)种群种实特征变异性。[方法]采集内蒙古四子王旗、锡林浩特、克什克腾旗和瓮牛特旗4个旗县6个野生种群的华
引子第一次见到Veronika Samartseva是多年前在波茨坦电影大学的一个毕业放映典礼,那时她还是个学生,青春,黑短发,长着亚欧混血的面孔,看起来慵懒,可一说话,精神焕发,简直换