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目的:分析深圳地区近3a白内障手术趋势。方法:通过统计出入院相关资料,回顾近3a(2007-01/2009-12)在我院住院治疗的白内障患者,对白内障类型及手术方式进行统计分析。结果:我院2007-01/2009-12住院治疗白内障患者10058例,其中男4284例(42.59%),女5774例(57.41%),男女比例约为1:1.35;年龄3月龄~99岁,平均67.03±15.37岁;2007年共2803例(27.87%),年龄4月龄~99岁,平均66.06±16.76岁,2008年共3265例(32.46%),年龄3月龄~96岁,平均66.16±15.61岁,2009年共3990例(39.67%),年龄5月龄~99岁,平均67.82±14.94岁;白内障类型:老年性白内障9000例(89.48%),并发性白内障565例(5.62%),外伤性白内障265例(2.63%),先天性白内障178例(1.77%),代谢性白内障14例(0.14%),无晶状体眼36例(0.36%);手术方式:白内障超声乳化摘除联合折叠型后房型人工晶状体植入术9499例(94.44%),白内障囊外摘除联合人工晶状体植入术220例(2.19%),白内障囊外摘除术100例(1.00%),二期人工晶状体植入术228例(2.27%),未行手术11例(0.1%)。结论:深圳地区近3a来白内障住院患者数量逐年递增,老年性白内障是最主要的白内障类型,超声乳化白内障摘除联合折叠型人工晶状体植入术是治疗白内障稳定、占优势地位的手术方式。 Objective: To analyze the trend of cataract surgery in recent 3 years in Shenzhen. Methods: According to the statistical data of admission and hospitalization, the cataract patients hospitalized in our hospital for the past 3 years (2007-01 / 2009-12) were retrospectively analyzed. The types of cataract and the surgical methods were analyzed statistically. Results: There were 10,058 hospitalizations for cataract in our hospital from January 2007 to December 2009, 4284 (42.59%) were female and 5774 (57.41%) were female, the ratio of male to female was about 1: 1.35. The age ranged from 3 months to 99 years , An average of 67.03 ± 15.37 years; in 2007 a total of 2803 cases (27.87%), aged 4 months to 99 years, with an average of 66.06 ± 16.76 years, 3265 cases (32.46%) in 2008, aged 3 months to 96 years 66.16 ± 15.61 years old and 3990 cases (39.67%) in 2009, with a mean age of 67.82 ± 14.94 years, ranging from 5 months to 99 years old. Cataract types included 9,000 cases of senile cataract (89.48%), 565 cases of complicated cataract (5.62% ), Traumatic cataract in 265 cases (2.63%), congenital cataract in 178 cases (1.77%), metabolic cataract in 14 cases (0.14%), and aphakia in 36 cases (0.36%); operation mode: cataract phacoemulsification combined There were 9499 cases (94.44%) of posterior chamber foldable intraocular lens implantation, 220 cases (2.19%) of extracapsular cataract extraction combined with intraocular lens implantation, 100 cases of extracapsular cataract extraction (1.00%), There were 228 cases (2.27%) who underwent surgery and 11 cases (0.1%) who did not undergo surgery. Conclusion: The number of hospitalized patients with cataract in the past three years in Shenzhen area has been increasing year by year. Senile cataract is the most important type of cataract. Phacoemulsification combined with foldable intraocular lens implantation is a stable and predominant surgical procedure.
目的:评价光动力疗法( photodynamic therapy,PDT)联合玻璃体腔注射 ranibizumab 治疗病理性近视( pathologic myopia,PM )所致的黄斑部脉络膜新生血管( choroidal neovascularizat
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