
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:
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目的:掌握细菌性痢疾水型暴发的流行特征和流行因素,为制定防控措施提供依据。方法:调查登记患者的临床表现、流行病学和实验室等资料,对收集的资料进行统计、分析。结果:共发病180人,罹患率48.13‰,男女发病差异无统计学意义,发病最小年龄3个月,最大年龄91岁,罹患率以1~4岁最高,10~14岁最低,年龄组别罹患率不同(χ~2=99.12,P<0.01)。饮用污染水源的人群罹患率(91.10‰)高于饮用非污染水源的人群罹患率(21.94‰)。结论:本次疫情为饮用水源连续污染而导致的水传暴发流行,并伴生活接触传播;应加大农村改水改厕力度,加强集中供水设施的管理和维护,保护饮水卫生。强化疫情报告制度,及时发现、报告、并隔离治疗菌痢患者。在对轻型病人不能及时作出准确诊断的地区,为防止误诊而放弃病人管理,应将可疑患者,特别是夏秋季肠炎病人列为隔离管理对象。并加强卫生宣教,把好病从口入关,将1~4岁年龄组和20岁以上成人作为痢疾防治工作的重点人群。 Objective: To master the epidemic characteristics and epidemic factors of watery outbreaks of bacillary dysentery, and to provide the basis for making prevention and control measures. Methods: Investigate the clinical manifestations of patients, epidemiology and laboratory data, the collected data for statistical analysis. Results: The total incidence of 180 patients, the attack rate of 48.13 ‰, the incidence of men and women was no significant difference, the minimum age of onset of 3 months, the maximum age of 91 years old, the highest prevalence of 1 to 4 years old, 10 to 14 years minimum, age group Attack rates were different (χ ~ 2 = 99.12, P <0.01). The prevalence of drinking contaminated water (91.10 ‰) was higher than that of drinking non-polluted water (21.94 ‰). Conclusion: The outbreak of this epidemic is a water outbreak caused by continuous pollution of drinking water source, which is accompanied by contact with life. We should increase the intensity of changing water and toilets in rural areas, strengthen the management and maintenance of centralized water supply facilities and protect drinking water hygiene. Strengthen the epidemic reporting system, timely detection, reporting, and isolation of patients with bacillary dysentery. In areas where light-duty patients can not make timely and accurate diagnoses, patient management should be abandoned in order to prevent misdiagnosis and suspicious patients, especially those with summer and autumn fallopathies, should be subject to isolation management. And strengthen health education, the good disease from mouth to mouth, the age group of 1 to 4 years and adults over the age of 20 as the focus of prevention and treatment of dysentery.
目的 探讨老年直肠癌手术患者的护理,提高手术成功率,促进术后康复. 方法 回顾性总结了福建医科大学附属第二医院2010年1月-2012年6月收治60岁以上直肠癌手术患者86例的临床
指南15 CAPD的每周剂量(证据)rnCAPD患者适宜的PD剂量应使总Kt/Vurea至少达到每周2.0,高转运和高平均转运患者的总肌酐清除率(Ccr)至少达60L/(w·1.73m2),低转运和低平均转运
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