
来源 :镇江医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youjian_youjian
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目的 :探寻安全、方便、快速、可靠的预防剖宫产产后 2小时 (第四产程 )出血的方法 ,本研究观察米索前列醇宫腔放置预防剖宫产第四产程产后出血的效果。方法 :选择 36 6例剖宫产病例 ,随机分为米索前列醇 +催产素组 (简称米索组 )和催产素组 ,米索组 132例 ;胎儿娩出后宫体注射催产素 2 0U ,胎盘、胎膜娩出后宫腔放置米索 2 0 0 μg ;催产素组 2 34例 ;胎儿娩出后宫体注射催产素 2 0U ,再静脉滴注催产素 2 0U ,以上两组观察第四产程的出血量。结果 :第四产程平均出血量 :米索组为 (80 .1± 31.3)ml,催产素组为 (14 0± 80 .7)ml ,两组比较差异性极显著 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 :米索前列醇能较好地预防剖宫产术后第四产程的出血 ,且用药安全、方便、快速、有效 Objective: To explore a safe, convenient, rapid and reliable method to prevent bleeding after 2 hours (fourth stage) cesarean section. This study was to observe the effect of misoprostol placed in the uterine cavity to prevent postpartum hemorrhage in the fourth stage of cesarean section. Methods: A total of 366 cases of cesarean section were selected and randomly divided into misoprostol + oxytocin group (group misoprostol) and oxytocin group, 132 cases of misoprostol group. The fetus was injected with 20 U oxytocin , Fetal membranes were placed after delivery of misoprostol 200 ug; oxytocin group of 34 cases; the fetus was delivered after the hysterical injection of oxytocin 20U, and then intravenous infusion of oxytocin 20U, the above two groups to observe the fourth stage of the amount of bleeding . Results: The average amount of bleeding during the fourth stage of labor was (80.1 ± 31.3) ml in the misoprostol group and (14 ± 80.7) ml in the oxytocin group, with significant difference between the two groups (P <0.01) ). Conclusion: Misoprostol can prevent bleeding during the fourth stage of labor after cesarean section, and it is safe, convenient, rapid and effective
患者 男 ,2 7岁。结婚 3年 ,其妻 2次怀孕均在孕 2~ 3月自然流产。非近亲结婚。否认孕期有感染及不良物质接触史 ,妇科检查正常。查体 :患者表型正常 ,外生殖器及精液检查均
In this letter, a novel zinc complex of Zn(ECTFBD)2 was synthesized by an environment-friendly grinding technique in high yield. Its structure was confirmed by1
患者 女 ,2 6岁 ,表型正常。结婚 3年 ,妊娠 2次 ,均于妊娠2 4周左右 ,B超诊断为无脑儿。妊娠期无疾病史 ,无不良物质接触史 ,夫妇身体健康 ,非近亲结婚 ,无遗传病家族史。
The influence of water permeates almost all areas including biochemistry,chemistry,physics and is particularly evident in phenomena occurring at the interfaces
目的 旨在对照拉罗西芬 ( Raloxifene)和连续激素联合替代治疗对子宫影响的差异性。方法 采用随机、双盲研究 ,试验周期为 2 4个月 ,有136例绝经期妇女入选 :口服拉罗西芬
我们对1998年至1999年上半年分娩的78例妊高征病人及其新生儿加强了全程监护,取得了满意效果。现报告如下。 In the first half of 1998 to 1999, we gave birth to 78 cas