江苏盐城二建集团 奋进中的盐阜建筑“铁军”

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江苏省盐城二建集团有限公司,成立于1979年7月,是苏北地区唯一一家国家特级资质建筑业企业,中国建筑业竞争力百强企业,盐阜地区的建筑业龙头骨干企业。是以建筑业为主业,融房地产开发、酒店经营、金融资本运营等多元化经营于一体的综合性的大型建筑企业集团,是一支善打硬仗的驰骋海内外的江苏建筑铁军队伍。公司现有员工3万余人,其中具备经济技术职称人员600余人。公司在大庆、北京、天津、西安、石家庄、邯郸、南阳、上海、海南、十堰、重庆、昆明以及江苏省内的南京、苏州、无锡、徐州等30多个大中城市均设有经营管理机构。公司于1997年开始跨出国门,在新加坡、阿联酋等国家承建建筑工程和进行劳务合作。2011年完成建筑业总产值近70亿元,上交税收近2亿元,为我县农民致富、打造建筑业强县的品牌作出了突出的贡献。 Founded in July 1979, Jiangsu Yancheng II Construction Group Co., Ltd. is the only one state-level qualified construction enterprise in northern Jiangsu Province, one of the top 100 enterprises in China’s construction industry competitiveness and a leading backbone construction enterprise in Yanfu. It is a comprehensive large-scale construction enterprise group that takes the construction industry as its main business, financial real estate development, hotel management, financial capital operation and other diversified operations. It is a well-established and hard-working team of Jiangsu construction iron and steel troops at home and abroad. Company’s existing staff of more than 30,000, of whom more than 600 people with economic and technical titles. In Daqing, Beijing, Tianjin, Xi’an, Shijiazhuang, Handan, Nanyang, Shanghai, Hainan, Shiyan, Chongqing, Kunming and Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Xuzhou more than 30 large and medium cities are equipped with management agencies . The company began to go abroad in 1997 to undertake construction work and labor service cooperation in Singapore, UAE and other countries. In 2011, the total output value of the construction industry was nearly 7 billion yuan and the tax revenue was nearly 200 million yuan, making a significant contribution to the richness of the peasants in our county and the building of a strong county in the construction industry.
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