1993年我精心试种了二分地的水萝卜套种芹菜,纯收入1 805余元。现将具体做法介绍如下:1、平整土地,施足底肥。菜是一朵花,全靠肥当家。选择好地块后,一定要平整土地,亩施万斤农家肥(羊、牛、猪粪均可),施钾磷复合肥20公斤、尿素10公斤,均匀散在地面,然后翻地越冬。入冬前没有准备好的地块,可在烤好地后做这些准备工作。2、精选品种,掌握耕种技术。萝卜选早熟高产品种,芹菜选高产实心抗病品种,这两种蔬菜有共同特
In 1993, I carefully cultivated a dichotomy of radish intercropping celery, net income of more than 1,805 yuan. Specific practices will now be introduced as follows: 1, the formation of land, Shi enough fertilizer. Dish is a flower, all by the fat when the home. After choosing a good plot, the land must be flattened. Mushi Shiwan Mannan (sheep, cattle and pig manure can be), 20 kg potassium phosphate fertilizer, urea 10 kg, evenly scattered in the ground, and then turned to wintering. Before the winter did not prepare the land, can be done after the preparation of these baked good. 2, Featured varieties, master farming techniques. Radish selection precocious high-yield varieties, celery selection of high-yield solid resistant varieties, these two vegetables have common