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工程预算在工程建设过程中所占有的位置是无可替代的。可以说其是确保工程建设经济效益的最为重要的环节,提高工程建设过程中的预算管,对工程建设成本以及工程实际造价控制具有重要意义,也是工程建设管理过程中的主要任务。文章以工程预算概念作为文章的切入点,对预算工作过程中存在的弊端进行一下浅要的分析,进而具有针对性的提出一些一堆以及改进措施。希望通过文章相关的论述,能够为今后工程建设的预算管理工作提供有利的思考与帮助。 Project budget in the construction process of the occupied position is irreplaceable. It can be said that it is the most important link to ensure the economic benefits of project construction. It is of great significance to increase the budget management in the project construction process to the project construction cost and the actual project cost control. It is also the main task in the process of project construction management. The article takes the concept of project budget as the entry point of the article, makes a brief analysis of the shortcomings in the process of budget work, and then puts forward some piles of pertinence and improvement measures. I hope through the articles related to the discussion, for the future construction of the project budget management to provide favorable thinking and help.
一、单项选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 18.设y=
随着科学技术的发展,人们逐渐对各种具有一定联系并完成同一任务的事物用“系统”的理论进行研究,以期使复杂的事物最佳地满足予定的要求。 With the development of scienc
青年心理学家认为:青春期是人的第二次诞生。孩子要经过成长过程中脱胎换骨似的烦恼与痛苦,才能真正长大。 Young psychologists think that adolescence is the second bir
I1 .B6O1 1 .B16to2 1 .C26B3飞.B36B2 .B7、C12.八17C22.C27.D32 .B37D3 .D8 .0〕13.C18.八23C2日.B33.D38.04 .C日.A14.Bj 9.C24.B2只.日34 .039C5 .BIOC,丘日20 .B25 .C30
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