引导与主体作用结合 展示历史课堂的风采

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作为课改的试点区域之一,江苏省新课程改革从2005年秋季已经全面推开,2008年高考开始使用新课标教材。新课标对学生的发展非常重视,关注开发学生潜能,发展学生的个性,促进学生身心全面发展。这就要求教师充分发挥自身的引导作用,引导学生发挥自身的主体作用,不是教给学生什么知识,而是要教会学生怎样去学习知识的能力。教学的最终目标是教会学生学习的能力,教学的重点贵在引导,教师要充分发挥自身的引导作用。为此,作为一名新课改背景下的历史教师,我在教学实际中做了一些大胆的创新与尝试。一、化繁为简,促进学生积极参与课堂以教师为中心、以课本为中心、以学科体系为中心、以教学大纲为中心、以高考质量为最终目标的传统历史课堂, As one of the pilot areas for curriculum reform, the new curriculum reform in Jiangsu Province has been fully launched in the autumn of 2005. In 2008, the college entrance examination started to use the new curriculum materials. The new curriculum attaches great importance to the development of students, focusing on developing the potential of students, developing the personality of students and promoting the all-round development of students’ mind and body. This requires teachers to give full play to their guiding role, and guide students to play their main role, not to teach students what knowledge, but to teach students how to learn knowledge ability. The ultimate goal of teaching is to teach students the ability to learn, teaching the key to guide you, teachers should give full play to their guiding role. For this reason, as a history teacher in the context of a new curriculum reform, I made some bold innovations and attempts in teaching practice. First, the simplification and promote students to actively participate in the classroom Teachers as the center, textbooks as the center, the subject system as the center, the syllabus as the center, the ultimate goal of college entrance examination quality of the traditional history class,
活动单导学过程中,教师的语言要有趣味性、简洁性和鼓动性。 During the activity guide, the teachers’ language should be interesting, concise and encouraging.