
来源 :民俗典籍文字研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kms2006
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陆、王学术的渊源,是由章、黄上承戴、段“以字考经,以经考字”之学,进而取法许慎以五经词义为本、以形义统一理念为指导的《说文》学,直至发端于代表中国文化、学术源头的“圣之时者”孔子的“修己治人”的先秦经学。汉语言文字承载中华民族文化,通乎古圣贤心智,其命运关乎民族兴衰,陆、王对章黄学术和中国传统学术的传承与发展,首先是领悟、继承了章黄所继承的历代前贤的历史使命意识,从而能在不同时期自觉地传承传统语言学的精华,并随着时代的发展变化能动而创造性地发展、提升传统学术,直至开辟新领域。对《说文》、经史之书踏实、刻苦地钻研,务求精熟,以确立学术根基;明确学科定位,确立训诂学的发展趋向和训诂方法科学化的途径,为建立科学的汉语词义学创造条件;严格地从分析第一手文献语言材料出发,以《说文》为中心系统地研究词义,重点在求根探源;强调理论建设、注重普及与应用等方面。陆先生去世后,王宁先生对章黄与陆先生学术继续进行一系列重要发展,确立训诂学在当代的学科地位,重建与完善汉语词汇语义学;进一步清理训诂学的术语,加强训诂学原理的总结和训诂方法的科学阐释;创建汉字构形学体系,开展不同时期汉字构形系统的比较与汉字史的研究;实行研究手段、研究课题的更新,注重传统学科面向社会、面向现代化的应用。 Lu, Wang academic origins, by the chapter, yellow on the wear, paragraph “to test the word by the text, by the test word ” of learning, and then take the law Xu Shen based on the meaning of the five classes to the concept of unity of meaning and guidance as the “ Said the text ”study, until it originated in the representative of Chinese culture, academic sources “ saint who ”Confucius “ self-governing ”pre-Qin classics. The Chinese language carries the Chinese culture, parallels the mentality of ancient sages. Its fate is related to the rise and fall of the nation. The inheritance and development of Zhang Huang and the Chinese traditional academic are first realized and inherited from the predecessors Historical consciousness of mission, so that at different periods consciously inherit the essence of traditional linguistics, and with the development and changes in the era of dynamic and creative development, enhance the traditional academic, and open up new areas. To “speak the text”, the book of history is steadfast and hardworking, so as to establish a good academic foundation; to clarify the orientation of the discipline, to establish the development tendency of the discipline and learn the scientific method of the method of exegesis, to establish a scientific Chinese semantics Create conditions; strictly from the analysis of the first-hand language documents, starting with the “text” as the center of the systematic study of meaning, with a focus on seeking roots; emphasizing the theory of construction, focusing on popularization and application. After Mr. Lu’s death, Mr. Wang Ning continued to conduct a series of important academic developments on Zhang Huang and Lu Lu, establishing the discipline status of Xunxu in contemporary disciplines, reconstructing and improving the Chinese vocabulary semantics, further clearing the terminology of Xunxuology and strengthening the principle of Xuanxu And the interpretation of the doctrine of exegesis method; to create Chinese character configuration system, to carry out the comparison of Chinese character formation system in different periods and the history of Chinese characters; to carry out research methods, to update the research topics, to pay attention to the application of traditional disciplines to the society and to the modernization .
1997年8月19日,《春城晚报》第2版有一篇短文,题为《湛江——大西南最佳海通道》。文章开头说:“六月中旬,记者” August 19, 1997, “Spring City Evening News,” the se
摘 要:新农村社区是一种新型的居住模式,属于城市与农村混合而成的结果,目前并没有划入国家建筑节能标准的管理范围之中。本文就从新农村社区的实际情况出发,分析新农村社区建筑节能工作的性质,以及建筑节能平台建设的基本原则和思路。  关键词:新农村社区 建筑节能 基本原则 思路  一、理清工作性质  根据调查显示,城市住房建设与农村住房建设的差异主要有以下几点:  从表中可以看出,两种住房形式之间存在很大
摘 要:目的 探究情景式模拟教学法在基础医学教学中的应用效果。方法 选取2015年我校112名基础医学学生作为观察对象,随机分为对照组和观察组,各56例;对照组学生给予常规教学法,观察组学生给予情景式模拟教学法,对比两组学生的学习效果。结果 经对比分析后,观察组学生的总优良率为89.29%,明显高于对照组73.21%,两组数据差异有统计学意义(P0.05),具有可比意义。两组学生均知悉此次实验内容
雷蒙德·威廉斯(Raymond Williams 1921—1988),当代英国著名的文化学家、文艺理论家,被誉为英国“新左派”的理论之父,是当代“西方马克思主义”发展的第三阶段的重要代表
摘 要:为了确定止咳化痰片的质量标准,现选取已上市的止咳化痰片,在此选样中,其主要的成分有远志、桔梗、贝母、甘草、半夏、连翘等,在此研究中将利用薄层色谱法对选样配方中的几种药材进行鉴别,并通过高效液相色谱法对药材中的橙皮苷的含量进行数据测定,利用检测结果中的内线性、平均回收率及RSD来制定较为准确的质量标准,从而控制止咳化痰片的质量。  关键词:止咳化痰片;质量标准;薄层色谱法;高效液相色谱法  