Microwear analysis of a bone-handled microblade excavated at Shangzhai site in Beijing: Evidences fr

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arsonloupeen
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The conventional wisdom has been challenged recently that microblades with handles are only tools for hunting and gathering in the Neolithic Age. Some scholars argued that microblades actually played an important part in the early agricultural development in the Neolithic. However, both of these opinions lacked direct evidence. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) is used to analyze the residues of the bone-handled microblade excavated at the Shangzhai site in Pinggu, Beijing. The ESEM observation and EDX analysis show that at the edge of this bone-handled microblade are Ca, P, C, O or C, N, O, etc, which provide direct evidence for determining its function, namely that this microblade may have been dealt with animals. In addition, there was a layer of glue at the back of the microblade with barium and zinc salt distributed evenly in it, this new discovery sheds new light on adhesive technology in ancient China. The conventional wisdom has been challenged recently that microblades with handles are only tools for hunting and gathering in the Neolithic Age. Some scholars argued that microblades actually played an important part in the early agricultural development in the Neolithic. However, both of these opinions lacked direct evidence. Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) is used to analyze the residues of the bone-handled microblade excavated at the Shangzhai site in Pinggu, Beijing. The ESEM observation and EDX analysis show that at the edge of this bone-managed microblade are Ca , P, C, O or C, N, O, etc, which provide direct evidence for determining its function, that that this microblade may have been dealt with animals. In addition, there was a layer of glue at the back of the microblade with barium and zinc salt distributed evenly in it, this new discovery sheds new light on adhesive technology in ancient China.
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