To calculate the liquidity turnover rate, it is currently common to use product sales revenue turnover as a uniform measure, which is feasible when calculating the total turnover rate. However, the turnover rates of reserves, production, and finished product funds should also be calculated separately, and their own The turnover rate is prevailing. The reasons are: (1) The capital movements in the supply, production, and sales processes have their own laws and characteristics. Calculating the turnover rate based on the product sales revenue as a whole is bound to cover up the existence of capital movements in different production processes. (2) The overall turnover rate index cannot specifically reflect the level of capital occupation, turnover rate, and links between each stage of turnover, and it is also not conducive to assessing and analyzing the quality of work and economic benefits of each production process. (3) When the turnover rate of each account of the working capital is calculated as the turnover of the product sales, the turnover rate calculated from the turnover of each subject of the working capital may be negative.