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A Chinese teacher’s commitment to the study and promotion of Swahili and East African cultures in China Migeto Zakaria Athumani,a Tanzanian student at the Minzu University of China,was overjoyed when he heard a Chinese speaker talk about East African food
An Eritrean artist’s works exhibited in Beijing Art is an indispensable element of cross-cultural exchange.This is proven by the programs of Beijing Africa Week(BAW),an annual event featuring a series of cultural activities celebrating Africa in the Chine
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Senior Chinese expert helps boost poultry farming industry in Zimbabwe Andrew Chirenda is a farmer in Zvimba District,Mashonaland West Province,Zimbabwe.The180 free-range chickens which he has raised for 200 days have brought him an income of$800.While th
China’s realization of a moderately prosperous society in all respects is based on the hard work,loyalty and dedication of its people In 2016,I had the privilege of visiting one of the most important places to the Communist Party of China(CPC),Yan’an in S
Huangshan Mountain,often described as the“loveliest mountain of China,”has played an important role in the history of art and literature in China since the Tang Dynasty around the 8th century,when a legend dated from the year 747 described the mountain as
Green charcoal promoted in Uganda to combat deforestation Mama Nansereko,45,hand rolls a mixture of small pieces of dry banana peels,coffee husks and rice husks with small amounts of wet black clay and shapes them into biomass briquettes,before placing th
时针划过方寸,历史已过百年。2021年,伟大的中国共产党迎来百年华诞!  在波澜壮阔的中国革命历史中,胶东革命历史特点鲜明、意义独特。山东莱阳,作为当年胶东的行政中心,是农村革命的发祥地,在胶东半岛最早闪耀出镰刀锤头旗帜的光辉,涌现出胶东党史上多个第一:第一个农村党员,第一个党支部,第一个县委、党团工委和中心县委以及第一支红色武装,为周边县乃至胶东党的建立和发展做出了重大贡献,在胶东党的历史丰碑上
濟南是一座具有悠久历史文化和光荣革命传统的城市,是全国建立共产党组织最早的地区之一,是山东省党组织的发端地。  20世纪20年代初的中国,风雨如磐、内忧外患。在探索救国救民的艰难进程中,济南的先进分子聚集在了共产主义的旗帜下。1921年,中国共产党正式成立,揭开了中国历史的新篇章。  从此,无论怎样的血雨腥风,济南党组织始终红旗不倒;无论怎样的刀光剑影,济南共产党人始终信仰不丢;无论怎样的艰难困苦