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【正】 田汉同志被万恶的林彪、“四人帮”迫害致死,我们为文艺界丧失了一位革命的先驱战士而同声悲痛。这决不是一时的感情激动,也不是仅仅写一二篇纪念性的诗文便可交代过去的,而是要在他战斗的艺术生涯中
<正>The Italy Pavilion on November 10 unveiled its exhibition plan at the 2010 World Expo,which will feature craft,luxury cars,fashion and famous paintings.Ital
【正】 当导演与演员第一次阅读《沉浮》这个剧本的时候,我们仅仅从感性上喜欢它,觉得这个剧本主题新颖,故事情节曲折,刻划了几个活生生的人物,作者没有那么多条条框框,是一
【正】 为培养戏剧理论和评论人材,加强戏剧理论研究和戏剧评论工作的队伍建设,经中央文化部批准,我院戏剧文学系于今年秋季举办戏剧理论进修班。这个班的招生范围是华东、中
The Ministry of Finance, National General Bureau of Tax have issued a notice saying that difference between right-exercise price and fair market price should be
【正】 《戏剧艺术》编辑部:塑造老一代无产阶级革命家的光辉艺术形象,是全国人民的共同心愿,更是我们话剧团同志们的迫切愿望。从去年开始,我们团就着手准备工作了,团里没有
The economic growth of Chinese economy has kept 7% for a long time, however, many post-industrial countries&#39; economic growth are 2.5%. So it is estimated th
【正】 四月春早,和煦的阳光洒满了上戏校园。舞台美术系的师生们,盛情地欢迎来自英国的朋友和同行——英国舞台美术代表团。这是首次来我国进行舞台美术交流的大型外国代表
<正>Circular on Several Issues concerning Tax Policy for Supporting the Development of Cultural Enterprises applied to all cultural enterprises and unless expli
Recently, the relevant statistics issued by China Association of Auto Industry has given us a satisfactory answer. In 2003,Chinese auto industry made an outstan