
来源 :上海师范大学学报·自然科学版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpp110894
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  Abstract:This paper investigates transverse vibrations of finite EulerBernoulli beams resting on viscoelastic foundations.It studies natural frequencies and dynamic response of an elastic beam subjected to a harmonic load.The differential quadrature methods(DQ) are applied directly to the governing equations of the free and the forced vibrations that are two partial differential equations.Under the simple supported boundary condition,the natural frequencies of the transverse vibrations are calculated,and compared with the results of the complex modal analysis method.The natural frequencies and dynamic response are numerically studied.The numerical results obtained with the DQ are in good agreement with that of the complex mode analysis methods for the first seven orders,but with the growth of the orders,the small quantitative differences between them increase.Numerical results also illustrate that the beam vibrates with same frequency of external load under harmonic motion,after a short transient response.
  Key words:viscoelastic foundation; natural frequency; dynamic response; differential quadrature
  CLC number: O 32 Document code: A Article ID: 10005137(2015)02013206
  1 Introduction
  Vibration analysis of elastic EulerBernoulli beams resting on different types of foundations is of great interest in the area of transportation and civil engineering.The vibration problem of elastic beams resting on viscoelastic foundation displays viscous characters,and the solution becomes difficult.Most of literatures report free vibration analysis of beam on Pasternak foundation with approximate solutions.In most of the published researches on the topic of a finite beam resting on a foundation,the foundation is assumed as linear elastic one,and the problems are mainly studied by approximate methods such as finite element method[1],transfer matrix method[2],RayleighRitz method [3],differential quadrature methods[4],and Laplace transform technique[5].
  It is worth noticing that all studies mentioned above are about elastic foundation,without accounting for any damping factor in foundation.But in fact,the effects of damping factors are an important research topic for vibration of elastic beams on foundation.In recent years,researchers began to study vibration of elastic beams resting on viscoelastic three parameters foundation.Free transverse vibration of beams on viscoelastic Winkler and Pasternak foundation are studied with complex mode analysis methods[68],but most of the published works on this specific problem are focused on dynamic response of such a system subjected to a moving load[910].   The differential quadrature(DQ) method is a powerful tool for dealing with dynamical problems.It was introduced for structural analysis by Bert [11],and since then it has been successfully employed for the analysis of vibration of beams[12].The dynamic response problem of elastic beams lying on viscoelastic foundation displays viscous characters,and the solution becomes difficult.To the author′s best knowledge,there were no literatures on the dynamic response of beams on viscoelastic Pasternak foundation excited by harmonic loads.In the present work,using the DQ method,the natural frequencies and dynamic responses are analyzed.The numerical results obtained by the DQ are compared with the complex modal analysis methods.
  The present paper is organized as follows.Section 2 establishes the governing equation for the transverse free vibration of a finite elastic EulerBernoulli beam on viscoelastic foundation.Section 3 develops the DQ schemes to discretize the governing equation.Section 4 presents numerical examples for investigations on the effects of the relevant beam and foundation parmeters on the natural frequencies and the dynamic responses.Section 5 ends the paper with the concluding remarks.
  5 Conclusions
  This paper investigates transverse vibrations of finite EulerBernoulli beams resting on threeparameter viscoelastic foundations.It studies natural frequencies and dynamic response of an elastic beam subjected to a harmonic load.The differential quadrature methods are applied directly to the governing equations of the free and the forced vibrations which are two partial differential equations.Under the simply supported boundary condition,the natural frequencies of the transverse vibrations are compared with the results of the complex modal analysis method.The natural frequencies and dynamic response are numerically studied.The numerical results obtained with the differential quadrature are in good agreement with that of the complex mode methods for the first seven orders,but with the growth of the orders,the small quantitative differences between them increase.Numerical results also illustrate that the beam vibrates with same frequency of external load under harmonic motion,after a short transient response.
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  摘要:探讨了黏弹性地基上有限长EulerBernoulli梁的横向振动.主要研究梁的固有频率和简谐均布荷载作用下的动力响应.将微分求积方法(DQ)直接应用于自由与受迫振动控制方程中.在简支边界条件下,得到横向自由振动的固有频率,并与复模态分析方法的结果进行比较.数值结果表明DQ与复模态分析方法得到的前七阶频率值高度吻合,但随着阶数的增长,两种方法数值间的微小差异值增大.数值结果还表明, 在均布简谐荷载作用下,经过短暂的瞬态响应后,梁的振动频率与外部荷载振动频率一致.
  关键词:黏弹性地基; 固有频率; 动力响应; 微分求积法
摘 要 无偿献血是一项利国利民、利人利己的社会公益性事业,是一项长期、复杂、艰巨的社会系统工程。随着我国无偿献血事业的不断发展和输血体制改革的全面推进,如何建立无偿献血的长效机制,确保无偿献血工作健康可持续性发展,是摆在采供血机构面前的又一项艰巨任务,也是考验社会公众思想素质和政治觉悟的具体体现。要全面贯彻落实《献血法》,使无偿献血事业健康持久地开展起来,对公民进行有效的思想政治教育,是新形势下值
2013年中国经济将处于蓄势增长阶段,预计2013年上半年将延续2012年四季度以来的回升走势,GDP将分别增长8.1%和8.2%;下半年由于受到基数的影响,增速将略有回落,预计2013年全年增长8%。  由于汇率升值和劳动力成本上升,中国出口的整体竞争优势较过去的“黄金十年”有所减弱,尤其是,劳动力密集型产品的竞争优势衰减较为明显,这也将导致中国提升出口世界市场份额变得越来越困难。综合考虑需求周
2011年至2012年中国经济的大幅下滑,有需求回落的原因,但核心的原因在于供需严重错配导致的盈利恶化。如果生产不仅不能盈利反而是亏损的,则企业自然没有提产的意愿,主动降产(工业增加值回落)、去库存就会成为拖累经济下行的主要因素。  我们把1999年以来企业盈利能力的变化分为三个阶段:第一个阶段是1999年至2002年,依靠利润率来维持盈利;第二个阶段是2003年至2008年,需求的持续扩张带来运
对于未来一年的市场方向,目前在投资者中分歧最大的是对于2013年企业盈利的判断。  我们根据中国企业部门资产负债表的现实状况,按照这两种不同情景假设来模拟企业资产负债表的变化以及政策的演变方向。根据情景假设的结果,我们预期政府投资将是未来一年经济增长的关键。2013年经济出现“经济弱复苏,通胀温和”的概率更高。由于企业盈利反弹的高度有限,市场反弹高度将很难超越2300点一带。  2003年以来,中
随着我国改革开放的不断开展,对外贸易的不断加深,也相应的带来了一系列的法律问题。因此,我们需要不断的对我国的法律进行完善。针对存在的法律空缺的地方,创立新的法律,以不断地促进我国社会发展和进步。  本文针对于涉外民事法律适用法的立法思考主要进行如下几个方面的分析和研究。一是,分析了国际私法的适应范围,进而使其为我国立法提供相关的参考;二是,详细的探讨了涉外民事法律必须与管辖权问题相结合才具有非常现
摘 要 本文论述了公安高等院校深入开展信息化建设的重要意义。基于新时期公安教育训练工作实际,对公安高等院校信息化建设规划与实施进行分析和探讨,并有针对性地提出对策和建议。  关键词 公安高等院校 信息化建设 规划与实施 对策研究  中图分类号:G203 文献标识码:A  “公安信息化”是公安部党委对公安事业长远发展作出的重大战略决策之一。近年来,在公安部统一部署和指导下,公安高等院校因地制宜开展了
当前至2013年末的经济判断应该分为两段,分别受到货币、库存周期以及中期产能、杠杆周期的影响,市场的节奏也与此对应。  2012年四季度至2013年一季度,在货币稳定,而实体经济价格处于低位的情况下,短期需求开始存在一定企稳甚至回升。但与传统上复苏不同的是,需求企稳更快的传导至价格,这来自于劳动力供需均衡点的变化,也由于中期供给仍在收缩的道路之上,去库存化力度明显带来价格短期的反弹。对盈利而言,同