两年以前,当智利国家队开始进行1998年世界杯预选赛的比赛时,曾预计球迷崇拜的偶象伊万·萨莫拉诺会进球;马塞洛·萨拉斯在进攻中仅起辅助作用,他甚至无法有把握地说自己是主力球员。 如今,角色发生了变化。萨莫拉诺因伤错过几场关键性的比赛,萨拉斯的总进球数11个仅比萨莫拉诺少1个,使他成为世界级前锋,而且年仅22岁的萨拉斯还戴上了国家队队长的臂章,并与意大利拉齐奥队签订了合同。 萨拉斯是在特穆科队开始自己的绿茵生涯的,不久就被首都的球队选中,转会到智利大学队。他效力这支球队期间一共攻进99个球。西班牙的拉斯帕尔马斯队曾就他的转会问题进行过谈判。但是,对于萨拉斯这样的足球天才来说这显然不是继续自己绿茵生涯的最好办法。1996年9月阿根廷河床队买下了他。根据不同的数据,阿根廷人花了不到100万美元买下了他,两年以后他的身价达到1800万美元。
Two years ago, when the Chilean national team started the 1998 World Cup qualifiers, the fancier Ivan Zamorano was expected to score goals; Marcelo Salas played only a secondary role in the offensive Role, he can not even say with confidence that he is the main player. Now the role has changed. Zamorano missed several crucial games due to injuries, and Slaslas scored 11 of his total goals just one less than Zamorano, making him a world-class forward and Salas, 22, Put on the national team captain’s armband and Italy Lazio signed a contract. Thalas is Temuco team began his career in the green, soon after being selected by the capital’s team, move to the Chilean team. He scored 99 goals in total while he played for the team. Spain’s Las Palmas has negotiated his transfer. However, this is clearly not the best way for a football genius such as Salas to continue his green career. In September 1996, the Argentine Riverbed bought him. According to different data, the Argentine bought him less than one million US dollars, two years later, his worth reached 18 million US dollars.