Niobium has the characteristics of high melting point, good stability and corrosion resistance, and plays an important role in the fields of electronics, chemical industry, atomic energy, steel, aviation and space navigation. According to the literature, the content of niobium is higher than that of Cr, Mn, Co, Mo and I in normal human. The difference of niobium content in cancer patients is obviously lower than that in normal people, the difference is very significant. But the concentration of niobium is too high, can cause poisoning, niobium toxicity is mainly caused by liver and kidney damage. Niobate can inhibit the body’s enzyme activity, destroy the body’s normal metabolism. Niobium pentoxide on the skin and mucous membranes have a significant stimulating effect, can cause leukocytosis and coagulation disorders. Long-term inhalation of niobium dust can lead to pneumoconiosis.