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“加快电子政务建设,需要政府的积极推动,也需要全社会的广泛参与。”这是国务院信息化工作办公室主任、国家发展计划委员会主任曾培炎在谈到电子政务这一“今后一个时期中国信息化工作的重点”时,给出的明确判断。从一个有待清晰的概念起步,中国的电子政务在十几个月的时间里稳步加速,全国上下、不同领域突飞猛进。 当概念越发清晰、市场开始浮现、方式、方法多样呈现,面对电子政务建设这个统一的主题,政府和企业两个主体愈发清晰。看上去,每当提及电子政务这 个严肃的主题,企业总是欲言又止。从前,企业时刻关注预示未来走向的“政策面消息”,细心揣度行政机关的信息化用意,面对来自政府的主导性政策文件、发言宣传,企业似乎总是有意放低了他们的声音。然而,随着电子政务的全面展开,开始更多的探讨建设中遭遇的实质性问题,企业这个电子政务市场发出最多声音,却也是在宏观问题上最缄默的群体开始关注电子政务的“话语权”,在标准建设、市场规则、应用趋势,甚至整体规划上发出更多的建设性声音。这既是源于他们对政府的职能转变有着直接的感触,也是由于他们同样是电子政务的利益和效益的受益体,项目成功或者实施不利直接关系到品牌影响和切身利益,更是因为任何信息化建设都需要用户与厂商的齐心和业务与? “Speeding up the construction of e-government requires the active promotion of the government and the extensive participation of the entire society.” This is the director of the Informatization Office of the State Council and Zeng Peiyan, director of the State Development Planning Commission, talking about “the next period of China’s informatization Work focus ”, given a clear judgment. Starting from a notion that needs to be clearly defined, China’s e-government has been steadily accelerating in more than a dozen months and has made rapid progress across the country and in various fields. When the concept becomes clearer and the market begins to emerge, ways and means are presented in various ways. In the face of the unified theme of e-government construction, the two main bodies of the government and enterprises are becoming clearer. It seems that whenever companies speak of the serious subject of e-government, companies are always talking about them. Once upon a time, enterprises were always concerned with the “policy messages” that foreshadowed the future trend. They carefully estimated the intention of the administrative organs for informationization. In the face of the dominant policy documents and publicity from the government, enterprises always seemed to deliberately reduce their voices. However, with the full launch of e-government and more discussions on the substantive problems encountered in the construction, the e-government market of enterprises has uttered the most voices. However, the most silent group on macroeconomics has begun to pay attention to the “right of speech” of e-government "To issue more constructive voices in standard construction, market rules, application trends and even overall planning. This is not only because they have a direct feeling of the government’s transformation of functions but also because they are also the beneficiaries of the benefits and benefits of e-government. The success or inadvertent implementation of the projects is directly related to the brand influence and vital interests. It is because any informationization Construction needs users and manufacturers in the heart and business?
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