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目的:探讨医院信息系统(HIS)优化对医院药学工作的促进作用。方法:介绍我院药师结合本院管理实际及国家相关要求,借助软件工程师对HIS实现功能增加或改进的优化实践,及其对医院药品供应、药事管理和临床用药合理监控等整体药学服务的促进作用。结果与结论:在原有HIS中增加了二级药品库存查询、麻醉与精神药品的电子化管理、处方点评电子化、中药配伍禁忌管理的色标提示与抗菌药物相关报表功能等;与原系统比较,优化后系统在全库存追踪、药品批号查询、供货信息浏览、发票电子化管理、处方点评及临床合理用药监控方面更加完善,极大地减少了药师的工作量,提高了其工作效率和准确性。对HIS不断进行优化可提高医院药学服务水平,在提高患者用药的安全性、合理性、有效性方面发挥了重要的作用。 Objective: To explore the promotion effect of hospital information system (HIS) on hospital pharmacy. Methods: To introduce the optimization practice that the pharmacists in our hospital combined with the actual management of our hospital and the relevant requirements of the state, with software engineers to increase or improve the function of HIS and its overall pharmacy services such as the hospital drug supply, pharmacy management and rational monitoring of clinical medication enhancement. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: In the original HIS, the inventory of secondary medicines was increased, the electronic management of anesthesia and psychoactive drugs, the electronic prescription of prescriptions, the color-coded tips of contraindications of Chinese compatibility and the reports of antibacterial drugs were added. Compared with the original system After the optimization, the system is more perfect in the tracking of whole inventory, batch inspection of drugs, supply information browsing, electronic invoice management, prescription reviews and clinical rational drug monitoring, which greatly reduces the workload of pharmacists and improves their work efficiency and accuracy Sex. The continuous optimization of HIS can improve the level of hospital pharmacy services and play an important role in improving the safety, rationality and effectiveness of patient medication.
我院2006-10-2008-10实施腹腔镜结肠、直肠癌手术36例,现将手术配合与护理小结报告如下.rn1 临床资料
各省、自治区、直辖市药品监督管理局: 遵循化学药品地方标准品种再评价工作的原则、程序和要求,现公布第三批停止使用的化学药品地标品种名单(见附件)。本通知公布停止使用
目的建立测定天柏金黄散中白芷有效成分欧前胡素含量的方法。方法采用高效液相色谱法,色谱柱为ThermoODS Hypersil(250×4.6mm 5μm),流动相为甲醇-水(60 40),检测波长为300n
目的探讨吗啡输注泵置入蛛网膜下腔治疗晚期癌痛的护理措施。方法对2009-03-2009-12间5例晚期癌痛患者吗啡输注泵置入蛛网膜下腔术的术前术后护理,提高生存质量。结果 5例患