在复习课上,碰到了这样一道判断题:一个二位数乘以8,积可能是二位数,也可能是三位数。 学生独立判断时,有的判对,有的判错。交流时,面对学生的意见分歧,我采用延迟评价的方法,把裁判权交给了学生。(以下s代表学生,T代表老师) s1:“我认为是对的,我可以举例证明:10×8=80,积是二位数,80×8=640,积是三位数。” s2:“我也会举例。” 听取同伴的意见后。判错的
In the review class, came across such a judgment question: a two-digit multiplied by 8, the product may be two digits, it may be three digits. When students make independent judgments, some sentences are verdicts, others are wrongly sentenced. In the face of students' disagreement, I used a method of delaying evaluation and handed the jurisdiction over to students. (The following s for students, T for teachers) s1: “I think it is right, I can give an example: 10 × 8 = 80, the product is two digits, 80 × 8 = 640, product is three digits.” S2 : “I will give an example.” After listening to my fellow opinions. Judgment