
来源 :法学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxie20092009
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从理论联系实际、发挥法学理论对法制实践的导向作用、促使法学理论更好地为改革开放和商品经济的发展服务这一指导思想出发,本刊自1988年第9期起组织天津“戴振祥投机倒把案的罪与非罪”的探讨。我们认为,该案决不仅仅是一般的投机倒把案,它关系到对改革中涌现的一些新事物和这些新事物所涉及到的合法与违法、罪与非罪的问题应该怎么看,和用什么样的观念和标准来衡量的问题。比如,如何认识该案的社会危害性,集资联建住房,解决30多年来利民道地区居民的住房困难, From theory to practice, give play to the guiding role of jurisprudence in legal practice, and promote the legal theory to better serve the guiding ideology of reform and opening up as well as the development of commodity economy. Since the 9th issue of 1988, we organized “Dai Zhenxiang speculation Case of Sin and Non-Sin ”. In our opinion, the case is more than just a general case of speculation. It concerns the legitimacy and illegality of new things emerging in the reform and the issues of guilty and non-crimes involved in these new things, and what should be used Kind of ideas and standards to measure the problem. For example, how to recognize the social harmfulness of the case, raise funds for joint housing construction, and solve the housing difficulties of residents in Limin Road for more than 30 years,
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A two-day China Tibetan culture forum started in Kathmandu on June 6th.China Ambassador to Nepal Yu Hong,Deputy Director-General of China Tibetology Research Ce
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
有趣的创意与无限的可能  几年前台湾的一个叫做“掌生谷粒”的品牌成为了我的研究对象,对旅游与设计格外关注的职业习惯,让我开始思考这个品牌的大热以及背后存在的巨大的市场动因。“掌生谷粒”首先要说名字起得大好,不论成功与否,人生的每一个阶段都会受到“掌声鼓励”。其次“谷粒”生于手掌之间,明确地表达了品牌指向——田间农产品,同时对这四个字进行深度解读后,又会让人产生“粒粒皆辛苦”的情感认同。  “掌生谷
我爱在淡淡的太阳短命的日子,  临窗把喜爱的工作静静做完;  才到下午四点,便又冷又昏黄,  我将用一杯酒灌溉我的心田。  多么快,人生已到严酷的冬天。  我爱在枯草的山坡,死寂的原野,  独自凭吊已埋葬的火热一年,  看着冰冻的小河还在冰下面流,  不知低语着什么,只是听不见。  呵,生命也跳动在严酷的冬天。  我爱在冬晚围着温暖的炉火,  和两三昔日的好友会心闲谈,  听着北风吹得门窗沙沙地响