1923年初 ,孙中山通过滇军、桂军、粤军的力量发动了讨伐陈炯明的战争 ,第三次在广东建立了政权。为了维持庞大的军队和“讨陈”战争的需要 ,孙中山必须想方设法满足诸路军阀贪得无厌的胃口。为此 ,孙中山及广东政府采取了过度“抽血”的财政政策。本文通过对这一时期广东的经济和财政状况的分析 ,认为对1924年底发生的“商团事变” ,不能将其简单定性为“反革命叛乱”。事变的发生 ,其实有着深刻的社会经济原因 ,“扣械事件”只是社会矛盾全面激化的导火线
In early 1923, Sun Yat-sen launched the war against Chen Jiongming through the forces of Yunnan, Guangxi and Guangdong. The third time he established the regime in Guangdong. In order to maintain the needs of a large army and to “warlike” the war, Sun Yat-sen must find every means to satisfy the insatiable appetite of the warlords. To this end, Sun Yat-sen and the Guangdong government adopted an excessive “blood drawing” fiscal policy. Based on the analysis of the economic and financial conditions of Guangdong during this period, this paper argues that the “Incident of Merchants” incident that took place at the end of 1924 can not be simply characterized as a “counterrevolutionary insurgency.” Incident occurred, in fact, has a profound social and economic reasons, “Withholding incident” is only the fuse of social conflicts intensified