
来源 :中国城市研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wyattwong
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航运可达性反映了港口城市与世界市场的连接程度,是港口城市竞争力的重要体现。以《中国航务周刊》所提供的马士基、地中海航运公司船期资料为依据,利用港口连通性指数计算2005年和2010年中国沿海港口城市的航运可达性。结果表明:1马士基和地中海航运公司在确定挂靠港口时往往采取错位竞争的办法,马士基主要选择大的港口如上海、香港、盐田等挂靠,地中海则选择较小的港口如赤湾、宁波等,导致在两大航运公司的网络中,港口城市呈现不同的航运可达性。(2)从马士基和地中海两大航运公司的综合可达性看,珠三角的深圳(盐田、赤湾)、香港与长三角的上海、宁波的综合可达性一直处于前四位,其中深圳的可达性超过了香港,在2005年宁波的可达性超过上海,但在2010年上海的可达性超过宁波。环渤海和海峡西岸的港口除了福州的可达性有微弱上升之外,其他港口的排位都停滞不前,2010年的可达性数据与2005年相比都有不同程度的下降。(3)在港口城市群方面,2005~2010年,珠三角港口城市航运可达性的优势较为明显,且有进一步扩大的趋势;长三角的可达性有缓慢增长,环渤海与海峡西岸的可达性都呈下降的趋势。 The reachability of shipping reflects the connection between the port city and the world market and is an important manifestation of the competitiveness of the port city. Based on the shipping schedule of Maersk and Mediterranean shipping companies provided by China Shipping Weekly, the port connectivity index was used to calculate the shipping reachability of China’s coastal port cities in 2005 and 2010. The results show that: 1 Maersk and Mediterranean shipping companies often take the wrong approach when determining the port of call. Major ports in Maersk, such as Shanghai, Hong Kong and Yantian, are anchored. The smaller ports in the Mediterranean, such as Chiwan and Ningbo, Leading to different shipping reachability in port cities in the networks of the two shipping companies. (2) Judging from the comprehensive accessibility of the two shipping companies in Maersk and the Mediterranean, the comprehensive accessibility of Shenzhen (Yantian, Chiwan), Hong Kong and the Yangtze River Delta of Shanghai and Ningbo in the Pearl River Delta has been among the top four, with Shenzhen More reachable than Hong Kong, Ningbo in 2005 than Shanghai accessibility, but in 2010 the accessibility of Shanghai more than Ningbo. Bohai Sea and the western coast of the Taiwan Strait in addition to the accessibility of Fuzhou has a slight increase in the other ports are at a standstill, accessibility data in 2010 and 2005 compared with varying degrees of decline. (3) In port urban agglomeration, from 2005 to 2010, the shipping accessibility of port cities in the Pearl River Delta is more obvious, and there is a trend of further expansion. The accessibility of the Yangtze River Delta has a slow growth. The Bohai Rim and the west coast of the Taiwan Straits Reachability has shown a downward trend.
Manganese oxides with a perovskite-type Re_(1-x)D_xMnO_3(Re:heavy rare-earth elements,D:divalent alkali metal)structure have attracted interest because of the c
田管中心副主任冯树勇(左)和刘翔在一起刘翔师徒“西游记”之美国、罗马、巴黎行@木马请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Feng Shurong, deputy director of the
我国人的屈光情况,国内已有不少报道。但对桂西少数民族地区的情况报道甚少,为了进一步了解情况,笔者对2,100例屈光不正病例进行检查并作了较详细的统计分析,现报告如下: 方
花开花落,潮起潮退。随着大多数电子商务企业赢利,传统企业运用电子商务手段逐渐娴熟,电子商务第二次浪潮已经到来。 电子商务第一次浪潮大致从1990年开始,2000年初结束。随
目的 观察经皮肝动脉化疗栓塞(TACE)和CT引导下经皮穿刺瘤内无水酒精(PEI)序贯性治疗巨块型原发性肝癌的疗效.方法 144例无远处转移巨块型原发性肝癌先经TACE术治疗,2周后再进行4~6次PEI治疗.结果 PR 96例(66.7%),MR 33例(22.9%),SD 15例(10.4%),二期可切除69例,手术切除率47.9%.随访结果 显示:6个月、1、2、3年生存率分别为:93.8%、