Expression of T-STAR gene is associated with regulation of telomerase activity in human colon cancer

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a429629261
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AIM: To investigate the effects on telomerase activity of transfection of human T-STAR gene full-length sense cDNA or partial antisense cDNA into human colon cancer cell line HCT-116. METHODS: mRNA and protein expression levels of T-STAR gene were determined by RT-PCR and western blot, and telomerase activity was measured by PCR-ELISA, after transfection of T-STAR sense or antisense gene into HCT-116 cells with lipofectamine. RESULTS: T-STAR gene expression was enhanced or knocked down both at mRNA and protein levels, and telomerase activity was significantly increased or decreased. CONCLUSION: The T-STAR gene may participate in regulation of telomerase activity in human colon cancer HCT-116 cells in a parallel fashion. AIM: To investigate the effects on telomerase activity of transfection of human T-STAR gene full-length sense cDNA or partial antisense cDNA into human colon cancer cell line HCT-116. METHODS: mRNA and protein expression levels of T-STAR genes were determined by RT-PCR and western blot, and telomerase activity was measured by PCR-ELISA, after transfection of T-STAR sense or antisense gene into HCT-116 cells with lipofectamine. RESULTS: T-STAR gene expression was enhanced or knocked down both at mRNA and protein levels, and telomerase activity was significantly increased or decreased. CONCLUSION: The T-STAR gene may participate in regulation of telomerase activity in human colon cancer HCT-116 cells in a parallel fashion.
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