Advance in research of several types of streaming of pulse tube refrigerators

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loveway
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The pulse tube refrigerator(PTR)is a promising small-scale cryocooler.This paper first briefly introduces the history of the pulse tube refrigerator.It has pointed out that technology improvements and theoretical developments of the pulse tube refrigerator closely relate with the internal streaming effects.Then the discovering history and classification of the streaming or DC(direct current)flow effect are summarized.It proposes for the first time that the physical significance of the streaming contains the driving mechanisms and the transport mechanisms.It demonstrates that the driving mechanisms are the asymmetry of fluid flow and temperature while the transport mechanisms are a loop or vorticity,which transmits nonlinear dissipations.The important advancements have been made over the past two decades all over the world in research of streaming of the pulse tube refrigerator including Gedeon DC flow,Rayleigh streaming,the third type of DC flow and the regenerator circulation.With regard to Gedeon DC flow,theoretical and experimental analyses have been made and different suppression methods are summarized.In the aspect of Rayleigh streaming,it mainly focuses on the analytical solution of the second-order mass flow and the research of tapered pulse tubes.In particular,limited research on the third type of DC flow and regenerator circulation is presented.The experimental measurement techniques of streaming also are summarized.Finally,this paper briefly discusses the key scientific and technical issues of the current research,and foretells the future development trends of streaming research in PTR. The pulse tube refrigerator (PTR) is a promising small-scale cryocooler. This paper first briefly introduces the history of the pulse tube refrigerator. It has pointed out that technology improvements and theoretical developments of the pulse tube refrigerator .Then the discovering history and classification of the streaming or DC (direct current) flow effect are summarized. It for the first time that the physical significance of the streaming contains the driving mechanisms and the transport mechanisms. the asymmetry of fluid circulation and temperature while the transport mechanisms are a loop or vorticity, which conveys nonlinear dissipations. the important advance have been made over the past two decades all over the world in research of streaming of the pulse tube refrigerator including Gedeon DC flow , Rayleigh streaming, the third type of DC flow and the regenerator circulation .With reg ard to Gedeon DC flow, theoretical and experimental analyzes have been made and different suppression methods are summarized. In the aspect of Rayleigh streaming, it mainly focuses on the analytical solution of the second-order mass flow and the research of tapered pulse tubes. particularly, limited research on the third type of DC flow and regenerator circulation is presented. experimental experimental techniques of streaming also are .Finally, this paper briefly discusses the key scientific and technical issues of the current research, and foretells the future development trends of streaming research in PTR.
针对电渣压力焊接的工艺特点,采用直流电焊机并联方式,提供较大的电流,满足焊接需要。 Electroslag pressure welding for the process characteristics, the use of DC weldin
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01  2012年6月15日,我从学校赶回老家准备面试,一回就是一周。大四以来,我参加过10多次工作招考,总算考上老家那边的一所重点高中,不过是小县城。同时,我也辞去好不容易才谈妥的房地产公司的广告文案工作,这个工作在省会城市,作为一个理科生去做文案,花了很大功夫才让老板信服。当我放弃真正喜欢的文案工作时,心里还是颇有不舍。但是父母希望我留在县城,离家近一点,而且是国家编制,虽然一开始工资低,但是