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经过大半年的努力,《公关经理教程》这部书终于与大家见面了。我们为什么要组织写这部书,主要基于以下五点考虑:一、现在我国正处于社会主义市场经济日趋完善的关键时期,同时也是入世后国际市场竞争与国内市场竞争更加深入地结合在一起,我国在更大范围、更广阔领域和更高层次上参与国际经济技术合作竞争的新时期。它给中国公关业提出了更多更高的需求,同时也提供了一个前所末有的机遇和挑战并存的发展环境。中国公关业如何面对机遇和挑战,如何增强竞争能力,在很大程度上取决于公关从业人员的学习能力、创造能力和专业水准。 After six months of hard work, “Public Relations Manager Tutorial” book finally met with you. Why we should organize this book is mainly based on the following five considerations: First, now that our country is in a critical period of perfecting the socialist market economy, it is also a period in which the international market competition and the domestic market competition are more deeply integrated. Our country participates in a new era of international economic and technological cooperation and competition in a larger area, a broader area and a higher level. It has put more and higher demands on China’s public relations industry, and at the same time it has provided an unprecedented development environment where opportunities and challenges coexist. How to face the opportunities and challenges in China’s public relations industry and how to enhance its competitiveness depends to a large extent on the learning ability, professional ability and professionalism of PR practitioners.
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